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|japanese=ヴァンパイア クロニクル
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The move lists provided below correspond only to those versions of characters which were not originally present in Darkstalkers or Night Warrior
The move lists provided below correspond only to those versions of characters which were not originally present in Darkstalkers or Night Warrior
Image:Darkstalkers Chronicle PSP box.jpg|Darkstalkers Chronicle PSP cover
Image:Vampire Chronicle PSP box.jpg|Vampire Chronicle PSP cover

Revision as of 21:57, 9 November 2007


Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service was first released exclusively for the Sega Dreamcast in Japan by Capcom in 2000. Much like Hyper Street Fighter II, it allows players to pit one version of Darkstalker's characters against an entirely different version. For example, Night Warriors Morrigan can fight against Vampire Savior Sasquatch. This version of Vampire even allowed players to select styles of characters for games that they weren't originally present in, like a Darkstalkers version of Hsien-Ko, or a Night Warriors version of Jedah.

Before each player chooses a character and style, a version must first be chosen that governs the rules, health meter, and Special meter of a particular match. Selecting a different version for your character only affects which moves they have available. It was later redeveloped for the PSP as Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower, and released outside of Japan as Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower. It included a new game play mode called "The Tower" that was like a combination of King of Fighters XI's Challenge mode and Street Fighter Alpha 3's World Tour mode.

The move lists provided below correspond only to those versions of characters which were not originally present in Darkstalkers or Night Warrior

Table of Contents



B.B. Hood

Darkstalkers (Vampire)

See also B.B. Hood's Marvel vs. Capcom 2 entry.

B.B. Hood (full name Baby Bonnie Hood) is known as Bulleta in Japan. Her profession was founded because droves of creatures from Makai had already flowed into the human world. Many of these creatures have since earned the interest of humans, be it scientific, prejudice, or simple curiosity. Items usable for decorations, materials that don't exist in the human world (such as the liquid and blood from their internal organs) are of keen interest, especially for research for bio-weapons and such. A "Darkhunter" is a job that was born to meet the demand for these clients.

These hunters hunt down creatures and get the reward money corresponding to the creature they hunt. The high risk is countered by the exceptional price tag attached to most demons. But because they hunt the creatures of the night, failure is not an option. Failing would mean one thing: death. To fight against these creatures, having a fit body, martial arts skills and firearms are not enough. It is possible for a Class-C creature to slaughter an entire army of first class elite soldiers. A strong mind and spirit is needed to keep one's self from losing their own sanity, and a dark heart is required so that they are not poisoned by the evil aura that the creatures emanate.

Several hundred Darkhunters are said to exist in the world, their skills varying greatly. Some of these hunters can barely kill a wild beast from Makai, let alone a Darkstalker. Within these hunters, B.B. Hood is a "Special S-Class" hunter. Her stare alone can cause the lower ranking Darkstalkers to be filled with fear, and she is able to deflect many kinds of physical attacks. Many say that she was born to be a Hunter.

Her dark heart was dark enough that Jedah considered her a Darkstalker and transported her into the Majigen as a worthy soul. When she was pulled into the Majigen by Jedah, she simply looked around and said, "Heh, they're all mine... it's been a long time since a job this big."

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, she becomes a tiny doll. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, she transforms into a waitress or maid, a subservient position counter to her anarchistic nature. However, unlike most of the Darkstalkers who give into Demitri's will and submit to his attack, B.B. Hood characteristically puts up a fight to the end. Bonnie's two-year old pet dog is named Harry, and he dutifully follows her into battle, despite his distaste for the loud noises that eventually follow. The two men who appear in Beautiful Hunting are George and Arthur (Smith and Wessen outside Japan). She is sometimes seen counting money while smoking outside of battles. She is also apparently a singer (her dog also helps too).

Background Information

B.B. Hood's routine activities:

Attending the conference Hunters Guild of the Northern European Alpine Branch
Interchanging with the other Hunters is necessary to secure part of the final profit.
Obtaining weapons and ammunition through illegal means
A first class job requires first class materials.
Maintaining portable weapons at home
To every Hunter, skipping this is suicidal.
Making gunpowder mixtures for mines
Continuously researching is the sign of a professional.
Going to town to buy food and clothing, and going to Grandmother's house to do errands
Her feminine side can be seen here.
Training for controlled shooting
(such as shooting 50 targets while performing a 100m dash) Basic training is the foundation for advanced stuff. One must not forget to always return to the basics.
Using the satellite Catastrophe, a camouflaged military satellite, to retrieve information on Darkstalkers
Information gathering is the key to the current Hunter business. One must use any means possible to eliminate the target.
Enter the Dark Hunting Grand Prix held twice a year
A target is decided upon and they compete to see can hunt it down first. This is a competition for the Hunters to test their own skills, but not all Hunters compete in this tournament.


Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Double Jump during Jump
Hold & Cut or + or
Catch & Cut or + or
Stumble & Blade or + during Dash
Surprise & Hop or +
Malice & Mine +
Tell Me Why +
Tricky Basket or +
High Smile & Missile +
Low Smile & Missile +
Happy & Missile +
Cheer & Fire +
Shyness & Strike + (hold to delay)
Sentimental Typhoon close + or
Jealousy & Fake + while blocking
Beautiful Memory +

Vampire Chronicle Vampire Hunter mode

Name Input
Double Jump during Jump
Hold & Cut or + or
Catch & Cut or + or
Stumble & Blade or + during Dash
Surprise & Hop or +
Malice & Mine +
Tell Me Why +
Tricky Basket or +
High Smile & Missile +
Low Smile & Missile +
Happy & Missile +
Cheer & Fire +
Shyness & Strike + (hold to delay)
Sentimental Typhoon close + or
Jealousy & Fake + while blocking
Cool Hunting +
Apple For You close +

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Nidan Tobi , or
Hold & Cut or + or
Catch & Cut or + or
Stumble & Blade or + during a dash
Surprise & Hop or +
Malice & Mine +
Tell Me Why +
Tricky Basket or +
Law of the Bullet + or while opponent is downed
Smile & Missile + or
Happy & Missile +
Cheer & Fire +
Shyness & Strike + (hold and release)
Sentimental Typhoon + or , close
Jealousy & Fake + while blocking
Cool Hunting +
Beautiful Memory +
Apple For You + , close
Bazooka Ransha: The Killing Time + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Nidan Tobi , or
Hold & Cut or + or
Catch & Cut or + or
Stumble & Blade or + during any dash
Surprise & Hop or +
Malice & Mine +
Tell Me Why +
Tricky Basket or +
Law of the Bullet + or while opponent is downed
Smile & Missile + or
Happy & Missile +
Cheer & Fire +
Shyness & Strike + (hold and release)
Sentimental Typhoon + or , close
Jealousy & Fake + while blocking
Cool Hunting +
Beautiful Memory +
Apple For You + , close
Doll & Bomb +
Dark Force + of the same strength

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Night Warriors/B.B. Hood

Donovan Baine

Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Donovan (full name Donovan Baine) is a Dhampir, the offspring of an affair between a vampire male and a human female. His true origin is unknown, however it is known that he was shunned as a child for his tainted blood. One day, a terrible event occurred in his hometown which had something to do with him. The end result was the death of everyone in the town, including his mother. Donovan wandered the world for a long time, following the teachings of Buddhism in an attempt to control his massive power as well as inner turmoil. Donovan is a man who seeks an answer to his cursed existence. Along his journeys as a wandering monk, he learned many things, and eventually came into possession of a gigantic magical sword known as Dhylec. This sword had the unique ability to channel the spirits of various elementals and gods for use of their power. Combined with his powerful telekinetic abilities, his strength, his mental discipline as well as the power of Dhylec and his spirit beads worn around his body, Donovan became a force of justice to be feared by all evil. The Darkstalkers' arrogance may have been their undoing with the creation of Donovan.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, he becomes a young Indian maiden who balances a lamp on her head. His sword Dhylec also shrinks into a caricature of itself and follows closely behind the maiden. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, he transforms into a female version of himself. As a practitioner of many Buddhist mystical arts, Donovan has the ability to summon otherworldly spirits. Among those that he can summon are the fire spirit Ifrit, an ice spirit commonly referred to as Shiva, a lightning spirit commonly referred to as Raiden, and a finally a second unknown lightning spirit who appears as an elven maiden when Donovan performs his Killshread Lightning technique. In his Press of Death EX move, he summons a giant wind spirit to stomp his opponent.

Related Characters


One day on one of his many journeys, Donovan came across a young girl named Anita. She was an orphan, who was almost completely emotionless. Shunned by her orphanage as a witch, she exhibited a strange and unexplained power. As Donovan came onto the scene, Anita was threatened by a hideous monster. Coming in and easily dispatching the monster, he too is feared by Anita's cowardly guardians. As Donovan turned to leave, Anita began to motion towards Donovan without any words. The people explained that Anita had never exhibited any kind of emotion or word ever since her family was slaughtered by an unknown Darkstalker. Nonchalantly taking his sword Dhylec and slicing off the head of Anita's doll, he proved to the people that Anita's heart wasn't lost as she showed anger at Donovan decapatating her doll by responding with a violent psychic force. Donovan easily subdued the attack and told Anita that anger was the quickest and most easily summoned emotion, and that her anger was proof that she could still heal her own heart. With no where else to go, Donovan welcomed Anita to acompany him to not only find herself, but to help Donovan fight off the evil Darkstalkers as Anita had the unique ability to find them as well. Donovan would help Anita have her revenge and not follow the same troubled path as he.

Donovan couldn't figure it out, but he felt that Anita was special, and that she had to be protected. Thus, Donovan became Anita's guardian, and the "bane" of evil everywhere. He felt the presence of an oncoming evil on the horizon and knew Anita felt the same. Anita also has kept that headless Doll ever since.

Anita appears as a secret playable character in Marvel Super Heroes.


In his ending in Vampire Hunter, Donovan finally loses his humanity as he sacrifices himself somewhat in order to protect Anita as well as awaken her emotion again. Although Donovan is victorious, he succumbed to the dark part of his soul too much in order to do so. This tragic turn of events causes Anita to cry, and is symbolic in showing that Anita is finally whole again. Years later, a grown Anita wonders what became of Donovan, and she hopes he's okay. Sadly however, we find Donovan sitting on a throne, beside many bodies. He is fighting a neverending struggle with himself as he yearns for inner peace.

In Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection, a new secret character is unlocked in the "Arranged Versions" of Vampire Savior. This character is named Dee, and he is essentially Donovan with more powerful moves and a mix of Demitri's moves and a new projectile attack. He appears as Donovan's head put onto Demitri's red-colored body, with Dhylec floating behind. Dee is the true, present day Donovan, somewhat corrupted and a "what if" if his Vampire Hunter ending was indeed canon. In Dee's ending, he confronts Anita, who shows her true form and he begins to fight an older Anita. The outcome of this fight isn't shown but during the credits various pictures are shown of older Anita visiting a grave. It is assumed that the grave is Donovan's and that she won the fight and killed him, and it is still unknown whether this is a canon event or something of a "what if."


Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Sharirum Luna or + or
Killshread Surf + or with Killshread
Killshread Dive + with Killshread
Hop Kick +
Killshread Plant + of the same strength
__Killshread Summon same strength + during Killshread Plant ( in air)
Ifrit Sword +
Blizzard Sword +
Lightning Sword +
Sword Grapple + or , close
Change Immortal , direct with or

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Name Input
Sharirum Luna or + or
Killshread Surf + or with Killshread
Killshread Dive + with Killshread
Hop Kick +
Killshread Plant + of same strength
__Killshread Summon + of same strength, during Killshread Plant
Ifrit Sword +
Blizzard Sword +
Lightning Sword +
Sword Grapple + or , close
Press of Death +
Change Immortal , direct with or

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Sharirum Luna or + or
Killshread Surf + or with Killshread
Killshread Dive + with Killshread
Hop Kick +
Foot Stab + or while opponent is downed
Killshread Plant +
__Killshread Summon + during Killshread Plant
__Killshread Lightning + during Killshread Plant
Ifrit Sword +
Blizzard Sword +
Lightning Sword + ( and/or )
Sword Grapple + or , close
Press of Death +
Change Immortal (direct with or )
Super Killshred: Slay Shred + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Sharirum Luna or + or
Killshread Surf + or with Killshread
Killshread Dive + with Killshread
Hop Kick +
Killshread Plant +
__Killshread Summon + during Killshread Plant
__Killshread Lightning + during Killshread Plant
Ifrit Sword +
Blizzard Sword +
Lightning Sword + ( and/or )
Sword Grapple + or , close
Press of Death +
Change Immortal (direct with or )
Super Killshred: Slay Shred +
Dark Force + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling were twins born in a family of Senjutsushi. Both of them were raised to be Senjutsushi and were taught Senjutsu. On the ceremonial night when they were to become Senjutsushi, their village was attacked by Darkstalkers. The mother of the twin girls gave her life to protect the sisters. But because of this, the mother's soul was trapped in darkness. To release their mother's soul from the darkness, Hsien-Ko uses the Igyo Tenshin no Jutsu to turn into a Jiang Shi. Mei-Ling, her older sister, turns into a ward to make sure Hsien-Ko doesn't lose control of herself. The two set off to hunt down Darkstalkers as a Darkhunter of the night.

After the two had freed their mother's soul from the darkness, the two were reincarnated with the powers of their mother. The two were reborn in a normal family and were raised in happiness. On their 16th birthday, the two sisters awoke to their powers. These powers had been passed down from the very first member of the Shao family. This was their mother's way of repaying her daughter for her soul. But because the two of them awoke to their powers, Jedah sensed this power and deemed them as worthy souls.

The two dreamed again on the night their powers awoke. It was a nightmare that was caused by Jedah's summoning. Their souls were instantly transferred to Majigen. This place was where the Senjutsushi's and the Darkstalkers battled. It was a legendary land and Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling's homeland. Their leftover bodies had no soul in them anymore. They lay side by side with no sign of life.

The two of them have no memory of their previous battle. They do not know why they are in Majigen. But they both feel strongly that they must win the battle to return to the real world. To them, it is a weird feeling, like watching a bad nightmare.

Their form in Majigen is the form that is best suited for battle. The same form they took when Pyron came to Earth. This is due to their mother lending them some powers. Though the two of them had experience as Darkhunters, they were now just ordinary girls. To survive in the world where demons live, they needed the powers of Senjutsu. With help from their mother, they could use various arts without any thought. However, the moment the two sisters lost trust in each other, their powers would be lost instantly. After the events of Vampire Savior, the two sisters go back to the human world and go back to their normal lives again.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, she becomes a small panda kicking a soccer ball around. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, both Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling transform back to their original young selves in pajamas, clinging to one another in fear. Hsien-Ko is known as Lei Lei in Japan, and her sister is known as Lin Lin. Hsien-Ko holds a surprising number of objects in her sleeves, which she throws at her opponents throughout the battle, including knives, axes, boomerangs, and on rare occasions, a little statue of Akuma from Street Fighter II.

Related Characters


Mei-Ling is the elder twin sister of Hsien-Ko. In order to aid her sister in battle, she transforms herself into a talisman and attaches herself to Hsien-Ko's cap. Without the presence of this talisman, Hsien-Ko's powers would grow beyond Hsien-Ko's ability to control, and she would rampage with no ability to stop herself. During Hsien-Ko's Vampire Savior Dark Force, Mei-Ling appears in human form, allowing some of Hsien-Ko's power to flow at full strength for a limited time. During this time, all of the damage that Hsien-Ko inflicts can not be recovered. Mei-Ling makes an appearance as one of Anita's summons in Marvel Super Heroes. She also makes a brief appearance in the ending of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, where she can be selected in talisman form as a secret character. She also appears as a downloadable alternate skin for her sister in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.


Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Hourei or + / / /
Houten or + or
Rantetsu +
Edoga +
Anki Hou +
Henkyou Ki +
Senpuu Bu +
Houten Geki close + or
Tenrai Ha

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Name Input
Hourei or + ///
Houten or + or
Rantetsu +
Edoga +
Anki Hou +
Henkyou Ki +
Senpuu Bu +
Houten Geki + or , close
Tenrai Ha
Chireitou +

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Endless Friendship , hold and release
Hourei or + ///
Houten or + or
Air Walk or
Disappearing Walk , hold
Rantetsu +
Edoga +
Zanpa + or while opponent is downed
Anki Hou +
Henkyou Ki +
Senpuu Bu + , (cancel with )
Houten Geki + or , close
Tenrai Ha
Chireitou +
Chuukadan +
Daibakusou: Rimoukon + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Endless Friendship , hold and release
Hourei or + ///
Houten or + or
Air Walk or
Disappearing Walk , hold
Rantetsu +
Edoga +
Zanpa + or while opponent is downed
Anki Hou +
Henkyou Ki +
Senpuu Bu + , (cancel with )
Houten Geki + or , close
Tenrai Ha
Chireitou +
Chuukadan +
Dark Force + of the same strength


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

ORIGIN/TYPE: Mexico/Robot

“Target destroyed. Mission completed.”

Huitzil (known as Phobos in Japan) appears as the sub-boss of Darkstalkers, facing the player in the second to last fight before the battle against Pyron. He is not made selectable until Night Warriors, although a Darkstalkers version of him can be selected in Vampire Chronicle. That version has no EX moves.

Huitzil is one of many robots created by Pyron who came to Earth 65 million years ago. At the time of their creation, the Huitzil robots were given orders to destroy all life on the planet. After destroying the dinosaurs, they went deep underground. Huitzil had gone into a long sleep and had not been functioning since. Around 520 AD, they were found by the Mayans and were used for many purposes.

Later they were put into the Teotihuacán ruins and went into another long sleep. When their creator, Pyron, came back to Earth, one of the robots awakened again and prepared to complete its given orders once again. Later, due to a malfunction, Huitzil carried out new orders: to protect a young boy named Cecil. When the primary unit, who befriended Cecil, was destroyed protecting him from Jedah, its last act was the reactivation of all the Huitzil units to protect Cecil.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, it becomes a small toy version of its robot self. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, it becomes young Mayan girl with two birds roosting in her hair. When she is picked up by Demitri, the birds begin to chirp in alarm. Huitzil resembles the Dogu idols left by the Jōmon people, his super-deformed version is one of them. Huitzil is the Nahuatl word for hummingbird, and likely a shortened version of Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of war. A running gag throughout the series is when Huitzil selects the wrong weapon and dropping a large chunk of ice. He then proceeds to try to rip his head out in confusion. Phobos (his Japanese name) is the Greek word for "fear," and is one of the moons around Mars.

Related Characters


Cecil is the young Mayan boy who stumbles upon Huitzil and accidentally reactivates him. At first, Cecil is scared of the giant mechanical contraption, but eventually, he warms up to the idea of having a giant robot to serve and protect him, every little boy's dream. When Jedah summons Huitzil to the Majigen, Huitzil happens to be carrying Cecil, so he is transported as well. He stands off to the side to avoid harm and cheers Huitzil on from the sidelines.


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Name Input
Magnet Slam or + or
Sky Capture or + or
Air Dash or
High Plasma Beam +
Low Plasma Beam +
Might Launcher +
Circuit Scrapper close + or
Reflect Wall + while blocking

Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Magnet Slam or + or
Sky Capture or + or
Air Dash or
High Plasma Beam +
Low Plasma Beam +
Might Launcher +
Circuit Scrapper close + or
Reflect Wall + while blocking

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Name Input
Magnet Slam or + or
Sky Capture or + or
Air Dash or
Plasma Beam +
Might Launcher +
Circuit Scrapper + or , close
Reflect Wall + while blocking
Genocide Vulcan +
Confusioner +
Final Guardian +

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Magnet Slam or + or
Sky Capture or + or
Air Dash or
Float hold , or
Alternate Attacks + or
Sitting Attack + or while opponent is downed
Plasma Beam + or
Might Launcher +
Circuit Scrapper + or , close
Reflect Wall + while blocking
Genocide Vulcan +
Plasma Trap +
Erasing Sphere +
Final Guardian β +
Option Beam: Ray of Doom + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Magnet Slam or + or
Sky Capture or + or
Air Dash or
Float hold
Alternate Attacks + or
Plasma Beam + or
Might Launcher +
Circuit Scrapper + or , close
Reflect Wall + while blocking
Genocide Vulcan +
Plasma Trap +
Erasing Sphere +
Final Guardian β +
Ray of Doom +
Dark Force + of the same strength

Jedah Dohma

Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Though he is over 6000 years old, Jedah (full name Jedah Dohma) is the youngest out of the three High Nobles of Makai. Jedah was always distressed about the future of Makai (Japanese for "demon world"). He believed that if Makai was left under Belial's rule, the master of the Aensland family and the true ruler of Makai, then it would grow old and begin to decay. Belial would most likely say that such is destiny and life. Jedah considered Belial to be an abomination, and actively sought out the opportunity to kill him, waiting for the right time to strike.

After the death of Garunan, the master of the Bosital family and the oldest of the three high nobles, Jedah had a young confidant named Ozomu. Simply put, he was a gourmet. The reason he came under Jedah was to be able to eat delicious souls. As a noble, his skills were second class, but his ability to deceive others were first class. He was a genius in using others. He advised Jedah about using the gate of Makai. Jedah, being confident in his ability to absorb souls, agreed to this. He ordered Ozomu to break a part of the seal to open the gate more.

When Ozomu arrived at the gates, he realized that enormous powers lay within the gates and that even Jedah would destroy himself if he absorbed all this power at once and saw this as his chance to take over the throne. He lies to Jedah and tells him that he must destroy all the seals because little power was coming out. After destroying the seals, he ran off to the far reaches of Makai. The destruction of Jedah meant his rise in power and his plot succeeded.

Ozomu gathered the left over power and stored it in Dohma Castle. This is how Ozomu became the new master of the Dohma family; the birth of Emperor Ozomu.

100 years later, after a century-long sleep, Jedah was revived in Makai. He felt distressed towards the crazed Makai, nobles fighting each other and spilling blood. Instead of anger, he felt pity towards Ozomu, who had betrayed him. Jedah had already made up his mind: His complete revival and the cleansing of all souls. For this, a new stage was necessary; a new dimension, the Majigen.

Jedah arrived at Dohma Castle and saw Ozomu and laid out his hand. Although his powers were not yet completely restored yet, he had enough powers to remove Ozomu. Ozomu had become a spineless gourmet, Jedah quietly whispers, "Ozomu... I am sorry, but please lend me your powers. Your soul would become the foundation of Majigen and will help the future of Makai."

The Dohma Castle was taken into the dark space along with Ozomu. This was the beginning of Ozomu's salvation. Jedah believed that he was the one that needed to recreate life by fusing all souls into one life form, the Shintai. To do this, he summoned all those with worthy souls to enter into his newly created realm.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, he becomes a crow or a raven with a sharp hooked beak, carrying a scythe in his claw. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, he transforms into a provocative female version of himself with long blond hair. Jedah has some sort of rivalry with Donovan, as explained in the PlayStation version of Darkstalkers 3. However, it is Anita that concerns Jedah. Jedah is implying, in his ending, that Anita is the ruler of humans that has yet to awaken, in the words "I'll have to destroy the other world, the human world, before their leader, before she fully awakens." She is among the greatest threats to his plans to save Makai. All of Jedah's normal and special moves have Italian names, such as the Ira Spinta (Fury Push), Nero Fatica (Black Effort), Prova di Servo (Servant's Proof) and Santuario (Sanctuary), which alludes to the Inferno by Dante.


Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Sange=Vanjerono or + or
Masto=Spinta or + or
Dash Kidou Henka or during dash
Dio=Sega +
Nero=Fatica +
Ira=Spinta +
__Ira=Piano during Ira=Spinta
San=Passare close + or
Spreggio + while blocking
Prova=di=Servo + , then

Vampire Chronicle Vampire Hunter mode

Name Input
Sange=Vanjerono or + or
Masto=Spinta or + or
Dash Kidou Henka or during dash
Dio=Sega +
Nero=Fatica +
Ira=Spinta +
__Ira=Piano during Ira=Spinta
San=Passare close + or
Spreggio + while blocking
Finale=Rosso +
Prova=di=Servo + , then

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Sange=Vanjerono or + or
Masto=Spinta or + or
Rasare=Sega + or while opponent is downed
Dio=Sega +
Nero=Fatica +
Ira=Spinta + (at start hold or )
__Ira=Piano during Ira=Spinta (at start hold or )
San=Passare + or , close
Spreggio + while blocking
Finale=Rosso +
Prova=di=Servo + , then
Kuuchuu Fuyuu: Santuario + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Sange=Vanjerono or + or
Masto=Spinta or + or
Balzo=Perdono (Zenpo)
Balzo=Perdono (Ue)
Balzo=Perdono (Shimo)
Dio=Sega +
Nero=Fatica +
Ira=Spinta + (at start hold or )
__Ira=Piano during Ira=Spinta (at start hold or )
San=Passare + or , close
Spreggio +
Finale=Rosso +
Prova=di=Servo + (press for grab)
Kuuchuu Fuyuu: Santuario +
Dark Force + of the same strength

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Night Warriors/Jedah


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Belial, the ruler of all Makai and Morrigan's adoptive father, foresaw that Makai would be exposed to the crisis of perishing soon. Someone with great power would be needed to maintain the unbalanced world of Makai. Using his near omnipotent foresight, he predicted that one which such power would not be born in the family of Aensland for another 1,200 years. Knowing this, he personally selected Morrigan as his immediate heir.

Morrigan was a very special Succubus; she was born as an "S class" noble. But at that time, a struggle for power had already started between the noble houses. Numerous battles had occurred in various locations. It was unacceptable for a Succubus child to be given such rights to power. To complicate matters further, Morrigan had no way to control the enormous powers that she held within herself. If she were to be left unguided, she would destroy herself and the land around her. Thus, Belial decided to split her powers and isolate them in order to protect her. Morrigan's soul was split into two, one of the halves was isolated in a negative space that Belial had specifically created.

However, her powers could not simply be split 50/50. Because her powers were forcefully divided, they kept drawing towards each other. To counter this effect, Belial took part of her powers and sealed it within himself. Morrigan's soul had been divided into three; one in Morrigan, one in the sealed space and one in Belial's body. When these become one, Morrigan can regain her full powers.

When Belial died, the sealed-off power was supposed to return to its rightful owner. Once this was complete, the next ruler of Makai was supposed to be born, as Belial foresaw it. But because the part which Belial contained had been lost, Morrigan's power had not returned to 100%. Also, a certain 'accident' had occurred in the sealed space that even Belial himself did not notice; the sealed-off power had begun to have its own will. She (Lilith) had begun to recognize herself roughly a decade after the sealing process. As Lilith found out about Makai, her feelings grew. These feelings were different from normal emotions like admiration and jealousy, they were closer to a primitive instinct to return home...

In Makai, power is indicated by the strength of the soul. If a soul is forcefully divided, it is not surprising that the souls try to return to its full self. Morrigan's soul was powerful enough that it was able to produce a it's own will.

In Darkstalkers 3: Vampire Savior, the demon Jedah releases Lilith and gives her a body—that of a smaller, more cheerful succubus. In return, Lilith was to lure Morrigan and the other Darkstalkers to him. Lilith seems to enjoy her life until she realizes that she is not the "original"— -- she is only a part of another person. She discovers that she often becomes transparent and realizes she has limited time to find her "soul mate", in order to continue her existence. Morrigan also feels that Lilith is a part of her, but she does not feel she needs Lilith as badly as Lilith needs her. Jedah realizes this, and he manipulates Lilith to meet Morrigan so he can use them both to extend his power. However, Lilith knows that Jedah is lying to her. Lilith is only absorbed by Morrigan in Morrigan's ending leaving Morrigan, like Lilith, with a more cheerful personality and a new view on the world. In Lilith's ending, she fails to reach Morrigan's unconscious body in time and appears to fade from existence seconds before Morrigan wakes up, though Morrigan again seems to feel something has changed within her.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, she becomes a bat, very much like Morrigan, but with a bow affixed to its head. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, she actually transforms into a younger version of herself in oversized pajamas, almost in a sleeping or zoned out state. Lilith also has several cameos in Pocket Fighter. She appears in one of the backgrounds, sitting on a window sill of a castle(note that if Morrigan is in the stage, Lilith will disappear), she teams up with Morrigan in one of Morrigan's special attacks, and she appears in Morrigan's ending.


Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Air Dash
Innocent Hug or + or
Soul Flash +
Air Soul Flash +
Shining Blade +
Merry Turn +
Mystic Arrow +
Luminous Illusion

Vampire Chronicle Vampire Hunter mode

Name Input
Air Dash
Innocent Hug or + or
Childish Drop or + or
Soul Flash +
Shining Blade +
Merry Turn +
Mystic Arrow +
Splendor Love +
Luminous Illusion

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
High Jump , or
Innocent Hug or + or
Childish Drop or + or
Toe Pierce + or while opponent is downed
Soul Flash +
Shining Blade +
Merry Turn +
Mystic Arrow +
Splendor Love +
Luminous Illusion
Gloomy Puppet Show + , requires 2 levels
Bunshin Kougeki 1: Mimic Doll + or +
Bunshin Kougeki 2: Mirror Doll +

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
High Jump , or
Innocent Hug or + or
Childish Drop or + or
Soul Flash +
Shining Blade +
Merry Turn +
Mystic Arrow +
Splendor Love +
Luminous Illusion
Gloomy Puppet Show + , requires 2 levels
Bunshin Kougeki: Mimic Doll
Dark Force + of the same strength

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Night Warriors/Lilith


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

ORIGIN/TYPE: Hellstorm/Alien

“You were not worth fighting. I need a more challenging foe.”

Pyron, the "Lord of the Living Flame", was born on the planet Hellstorm. Over 200 million years, he has evolved into a cosmic being; he has also collected myriad beautiful planets by consuming them. 65 million years after landing deep within the Atlantic Ocean, he waited for the right day to consume Earth. In the end, he was defeated and consumed by Demitri Maximoff.

Initially, he created the army of Huitzil robots to destroy life on Earth. It is unknown why Pyron didn't consume Earth back then, though it is assumed to be his lust for more worthy opponents. In the UDON comic, it is explained that Pyron wanted the Earth to "ripen" before harvesting it.

His appearance varies from attack to attack, but he is largely seen as a pair of blue eyes which can always be seen, despite a flickering body of flame that looks human in shape. Although the flames constantly shift, they seem to indicate a muscular stature, and two giant horns on either side of his head. Although he can assume any form that he wishes, and shifts his shape to suit his attacks, he primarily adopts an human shape to be on equal footing with his opponent. He is very confident of his ability to defeat any opponent and wishes to give them a fighting chance by "coming down to their level" in order to fight. He simply assumes that he will naturally win any fight, and battles simply to put lower beings in their place.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, it becomes a tiny flame with blue eyes. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, he becomes what appears to be a female version of himself: an alien lifeform composed primarily of energy. Pyron is most likely meant to be representative of one of the fabled cosmic beings from Mars. The planet Mars is often associated with fire because of its bright red color as seen from Earth. This connection to Mars also explains the reasoning behind naming his army of robots "Phobos" (though they are renamed Huitzil in the American releases). Pyron's height and weight remain unknown; he is the only character in the series to have this enigmatic nature to both his size measurements, presumably because his shapeshifting abilities allow him to change either at will. If Pyron is electrocuted by a character with that ability (such as Victor), his "skeleton" appears as a constellation, indicating his cosmic nature. Although flame-based attacks will damage Pyron, he does not possess a "burned" sprite animation like other characters do; if hurt by fire, he will react as if injured by a normal attack. His name comes from pyro, the Greek word for "fire", which points out his physical nature in quite an obvious way.


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Name Input
Corona Whip or + or
Sol Smasher +
Air Sol Smasher +
Zodiac Fire +
Orbital Blaze +
Planet Burning close + or
Galaxy Trip + or ( in air)

Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Corona Whip or + or
Sol Smasher +
Air Sol Smasher +
Zodiac Fire +
Orbital Blaze +
Planet Burning close + or
Galaxy Trip + or ( in air)

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Name Input
Corona Whip or + or
Galactic Throw or + or
Diving Punch +
Sol Smasher +
Air Sol Smasher +
Zodiac Fire +
Orbital Blaze +
Planet Burning + or , close
Galaxy Trip + or
Cosmo Disruption + or

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Corona Whip or + or
Galactic Throw or + or
Rushing Punch +
Diving Punch +
Sitting Attack + or while opponent is downed
Sol Smasher +
Zodiac Fire +
Orbital Blaze +
Planet Burning + or , close
Galaxy Trip + or
Cosmo Disruption + or , hold and release
Piled Hell +
Bunshin Kougeki: Shining Gemini + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Corona Whip or + or
Galactic Throw or + or
Diving Punch +
Sol Smasher +
Zodiac Fire +
Orbital Blaze +
Planet Burning + or , close
Galaxy Trip + or
Cosmo Disruption + or , hold and release
Piled Hell +
Shining Gemini +
Dark Force + of the same strength


Darkstalkers (Vampire)

Queen Bee, a.k.a. Q-Bee (although this is a title rather than a name), is described as a bee-based monster called a "Soul Bee," born in Makai in an unknown year. Q-Bee and her race lived in the lands of the Dohma family. But during the time when Jedah was dead, her home began to crumble and her race was about to die. She headed toward the Majigen, which Jedah created after his resurrection, to gather souls to satisfy the hunger of the Soul Bees, as well as her own.

Q-Bee may look human or display humanoid-type features, but this is only a deception; her actual species is an insect called a Soul Bee. One of the more obvious characteristic would be her idle stance, where she simply hovers in place with her limbs dangling freely. One characteristic most would not recognize is the placement of her eyes on the top of her head. This is apparent in her fighting style and posture: she appears to be looking at the ground while her real eyes are looking at her enemy. You can think of her as a bee incognito in a human body.

  • In a one family of a Soul Bee race, roughly 50~150 bees live in a single hive, with the leader of the family being called Q-Bee. "Q-Bee" is a title instead of a name. The others are either called "P-Bee" or just "Bee".
  • A Q-Bee works to raise the next leader of the family. Out of the baby Bees born, certain Bees are born with a 'honey capsule', which is an organ that is used to concentrate and accumulate nutrition. This Bee is raised to become the next Q-Bee.
  • Within P-Bees there are male and female (the ratio is roughly 2:8). Their physical appearance is almost identical, with the male being slightly smaller. The male exists only to help reproduce. A male's regeneration ability is very weak compared to a female and, because the current Soul Bee race has a very strong self-reproduction and regeneration system, it is possible to give birth to new Soul Bees without the help of a male. In the near future, the male Soul Bees will most likely disappear.
  • Their sense of touch can catch the smell of food; it's range is said to reach several hundred kilometers
  • The intelligence level of an average P-Bee is equal to a human child around 4~5 years old. They can have simple conversations as well.
  • Their appetite is the most important aspect of their behavior. To them, everything that moves (besides themselves) is food that is meant to be caught. They have an extremely powerful digestive ability and their stomach is rarely upset from eating bad food. Because their metabolism is very high, they cannot survive more than 32 hours without food.
  • The attack names of the Q-Bee were taken from "Makai Evil Insect book", written by Varvle Mattlayer. The names were re-written in the nearest sounds to the human language.

When hit by Anakaris' Pharaoh's Curse, at first glance, she simply becomes a bee. But looking more closely, she really becomes a miniaturized version of herself. When attacked by Demitri's Midnight Bliss, she becomes a nurse with an unbelievably long needle (with which to sting her patient).


Vampire Chronicle Vampire mode

Name Input
Float jump, hold
Air Dash or
Cn or + or
Ca or + or
C→R +
ΔA +
O.M. close + or
R.M. + while blocking
+B +

Vampire Chronicle Vampire Hunter mode

Name Input
Float jump, hold
Air Dash
Cn or + or
Ca or + or
C→R +
ΔA +
O.M. close + or
R.M. + while blocking
Qj +
+B +

Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)

Name Input
Float hold
Homing Dash
Cn or + or
Ca or + or
SU + or while opponent is downed
C→R +
ΔA +
O.M. + or , close
R.M. + while blocking
Qj +
+B +
Kuuchuu Fuyuu: i² + of the same strength

Vampire Savior/Hunter 2

Name Input
Float hold
Homing Dash
Cn or + or
Ca or + or
SU + or while opponent is downed
C→R +
ΔA +
O.M. + or , close
R.M. + while blocking
Qj +
+B +
Kuuchuu Fuyuu: i² +
Dark Force + of the same strength

Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)

Night Warriors/Q-Bee