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Cleanup required: August 2007

Mission Objectives for all 3 difficulties[edit]

  • Reprogram Shuttle Guidance
  • Launch Shuttle

General strategies[edit]

  • All objectives are the same 2 in every difficulty.
  • Approach this level with extreme care. Enemies are more accurate on shooting and can inflict 1.5x - 2.0x damage. Additionally, most moving enemies will sometimes throw grenades.
  • This is a very long level. Completing this mission in under 9:00 grants you 2x Moonraker Lasers cheat.

Mission Walkthrough[edit]

Reprogram Shuttle Guidance[edit]

Getting to the first objective is very lengthy. This will be separated in multiple parts.


From your starting point, slowly inch along the rightward wall until you see one of the Moonraker Elite (they're the guys in the yellow suits). Blast him, then run back in your little alcove but immediately get out of there if a grenade is thrown. Hold the aim button down while you wait for the other two guys to come running, and blast them when you can see them. Run around, getting ammo and grenades and guns. Now go to the center of the wall across from your starting point and push B to open the hidden door in the wall.

Shoot the guy there, now equip the AR33 and take care of the guy at the back of the room. Quickly, before two other guys appear in front of the hallway to back him up. Shoot them when they show up, even if you haven't taken care of the other guy yet. Now go to the end of the hallway, along the right wall, then lean left and peg the guy behind the boxes. Go up to the post on the left side of the room, then lean right when you get to about one body length from it and shoot the guy behind those boxes, too. Go across the stone bridge, then to the back of the room and open the secret wall there.

You can choose to fall and take the lower path. However, this path is much harder to deal with, given more enemies, no armor, and lack of coverage.


Fire a few shots out in the open to attract attention and waste all the guys that come running. Run in, find a hiding spot behind one of the white walls, and shoot the two other guys. At the back of the room on the left side, there's some inoperative mainframes. Go to the little cubicle closer to the door you came from on the same side, and you'll find a security door console. Activate it to lower the mainframes, and go through them.


Once you get to the exhaust bay, the door behind you will close. Immediately get out of there by destroying the left computer and moving forward. Take too long and the flames will engulf you, likely killing you instantly.

This area is filled with sentry guns. Fortunately, they are facing the different direction. Destroy these guns. Grab the Body Armor on the right side. You will need this.

If you took the lower and harder path, these sentry guns are prepared to shoot at you.


You will need to clear out the enemies in the room, including the sentry guns. you will backtrack to this area later. After clearing the room,, go up a ladder to the left and open the exhaust doors for later backtracking.


The battle with Jaws will require lots of ammo. Do not let him fire his 2 assault rifles at you or prepare to take a lot of damage. The trick here is to fight him in the rectangular stairway area, be away from his line of fire as enemy AI will not shoot you unless it is a straight line platform shot.

Once you defeat him, grab the keys to the shuttle computers. This will trigger respawning enemies, so walk back to that computer room quickly.


You can now open the glass door protecting the keys. Use the Guidance Data on the computers and pick up the DAT. Move back to the launch control room again and fast due to respawning enemies.

Launch Shuttle[edit]


Go to the right side and use the Launch Protocol Data on the computers. After that, you will get a timer for the Shuttle to launch. However, once the timer reaches 10 seconds, it will stop, requiring the Exhaust Doors to close. Go back up the ladder and use the terminal to close the doors. Survive for the next 10 seconds covering yourself.