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The Battle Of Pointe Du Hoc

  • Pointe Du Hoc
  • 6 June 1944
  • Difficulty: 9 out of 10

Getting Up The Cliff

I'll start off by saying that this next mission is one of the best WWII missions ever, it's so realistic and depicts the American invasion of Omaha Beach in France.

It is the 6th June 1944, better known as D-Day. As soon as everyone leaves the boat, you should too. Quickly make your way to the base of the cliff and get on your hands and knees. At this point you've lost Sgt. Randall so crawl all the way along the beach following the star marked on your radar. If you crawl and stay near the cliffs you shouldn't get hit. You may also want to snipe the machine gunners giving your buddies a hard time.

Once you find Randall climb up the rope next to him. You'll be given a new objective and should keep climbing up. Don't worry - you can't be killed when on the rope or fall down, but be prepared to shoot any Germans when you leave the rope. After along talk between Randall and a Private you'll be given new objectives. You'll have to get across the large open death trap in front of you. There are many ways to get across but this is just one.

The First Squad

Right next to Randall is a stone area with the remains of an AA Gun. Stand up behind the stone wall and face out and look at the battlefield. You should see a large turret like a gun which is annihilating every American soldier in it's reach. It is controlled by two German soldiers that turn the turret and fire. Whip out your Washington and use the zoom. Shoot both of the Germans, although don't worry if you miss as the noise should frighten them both anyway. Then leave your position and run further into the battlefield until you see a trench below you. At this point run back to your original sniping shot and take out the Germans that are now charging towards you. It should be easy as you are now behind the wall. Once they are taken out you'll see the start of a trench on your right. Run across and enter the trench.

In The Trench

After the second bend in the trench you'll see one of your brothers being blown to smithereens. Quickly carry on along the trench until you get to a junction. Take the right turn and start crawling. Once you then turn left they'll be a lot of German troops above you too the trench. You could try taking them out by repeatedly standing up and firing, but it's risky.

Carry on along the trench and you'll meet two of your fellow American soldiers. One of them suggests you'll use smoke grenades to get across., and seeing as that's the end of the trench you will have to do that. Timing and positioning of your smoke grenades is crucial. There is one guy shooting you heavily from the left, and there could be some soldiers still alive to the right of you that'll be firing. You'll watch your two mates jump out of the trench and immediately get killed. Now, whilst crouching throw three grenades towards the stars direction. Space them out a bit but try and throw them one after another. Then wait, as soon as you see a lot of the smoke you'll need to start running towards the star. If the smoke starts to lift then you'll still have one more grenade left for an emergency.

The Bunker And The Checkpoint

At this point I reached a bunker and there was one German in the bunker. You'll have to shoot him quickly as soon as you see him. Then get in the bunker and get down. Once the smoke lifts there should be a lot of your friends in a battle outside the bunker. At this point there are two ways to go: a long crawling route or a small shooting route.

For the former go to the body of the German in the bunker that you shot and jump out of the bunker. To the left you should see another trench. There are three soldiers in here, fairly spaced out, but it's a small trench. When you get to the end of the trench you'll be on the edge of the battlefield. Get out of the trench and get into your crawling position. You should see a village in the distance, head towards that - not the star. Keep crawling but keep looking left too in case you see any German soldiers. When the star is directly to the left of you on your radar, get up and run across the mound, your friends should be waiting for you there.

If you want to go for the shorter route then from the bunker go out the back way whilst crawling. There are then two ways, one onto the battlefield and the right goes down to some stairs. As soon as you look down about five German troops will charge up the stairs. Use your Thompson to take them out but you'll have to be very quick. At this point you need to get to the other side of the wall. Don't be risky and jump over it, instead crawl round it. There should be two Germans behind sandbags and one in a crater behind the sandbags and bunker. Get into the crater and then prepare for the final scurry across the battlefield. If you still have one last smoke grenade then use it now, but it's not too hard to get across and the only time's you'll be shot will be from a distance.

Defending The Pointe

  • Pointe Du Hoc
  • 6 June 1944
  • Difficulty: 7 out of 10

The Orchard

You've just captured the Pointe but the Germans want it back and you'll now have to defend it. This next part will just have you advancing through the Orchard, troops will come at you from the long wall so it's best to try and keep opposite form them. When you get to the top you'll be asked to man the machine gun in one fo the farmhouses. Go upstairs to find the gun and just shoot what you see, remember to leave the gun if you have been hit though. Once all has been killed, you'll be given new objectives.

The Farmhouses

Leave your post at the machine gun and head halfway down the stairs. A German will immediately burst through the front door and you'll have to be quick to kill him. Run back upstairs into the front room where there are a few sandbags and a mounted gun. If you look around you'll see some Germans getting into position ready waiting to storm the house. Kill them and then go back downstairs. You might think it'll be hard to get across the village with just you and Sgt Randell but if you enter the rooms at the back of the house then about 4 other soldiers will join you. Next go to the front room and throw a smoke grenade into the main grassy area that's being overlooked by all the houses. Then run across that area until you get to some barrels and crates near to the west. When the smoke lifts they'll be a plethora of Germans attacking you but use the crates as cover and fend them of. More American soldiers should join you by hopping over the wall behind you. Once you think all is clear then come out from your position and start to head towards the Pointe again, but beware as there could be some Germans in the small bungalow to the north. Get past them and you'll reach the old muddy battlefield again.

The Battlefield Again

When leaving the arch and the farmhouses you'll be constantly fired upon by some Germans hiding in the trench. Keep running towards until you find cover. Start killing them but also try to make your way to the gate that you see ahead. Once at the gate, it will be opened and you'll be asked to clear out the three bunkers. These bunkers are connected to a series of trench lines.

1. Hide behind the large AA gun post and your squad will follow you. The first bunker will be up ahead and it's fairly easy to capture. When you see the trench, head for it as it's the safest place to be. The trench will lead to the bunker. There'll be a few Germans in the bunker but most will be outside of it. There'll be at least four in the next trench that will keep firing at you. One by one take them down whilst in the bunker. Once they're dead, jump in the trench.

2. Follow the trench round and recapture the second bunker. This is pretty easy and you shouldn't have trouble with it. The hard part is that when you've captured it, you'll need to hold a position for a few minutes whilst the Germans make a large scale attack. They'll be two trenches connected together with an AA gun stone stand area. The stand is the best place for defending and so you should stay there. There is no real strategy so you'll just have to see where all your other squad members and target the Germans who are not being shot by anyone else. Once some of the time is up, you'll be asked to retreat to the third bunker.

3. This needs clearing out so kill the man on the machine gun at the entrance and then clear the rest of the bunker. The bunker is split into two parts so you'll need to clear out both parts. The parts will be straight on and to the right when you're going down the stone steps. You'll also notice that there are a few steps going upwards to the side of the bunker, taking you too the top half of the bunker. Remember where they are as you'll need to use them later on in the mission.

Defending The Bunker

Once the attack is over, prepare yourself in the bunker as you'll be attacked again. They'll be two ways to get into the small bunker, one round the back and the other from the front. As most of the enemy will be coming in from the front your squad will defend form there, and you'll have to defend the back way. This is pretty easy and as long as you don't leave the bunker the time should fly by. Occasionally you'll be greeted by a German who has managed to get into the bunker from the front way. This is unfortunate as it probably means that you'll be killed, but it is rare. The captain will eventually ask you, with around the 1:20 on the clock, to send some smoke up on the bunker to signal to your planes that there are American troops there. Kill the last man who is coming in from the back way and make your way to the front of the bunker. Throw a smoke grenade up and then make your way up the ramp to the right, if you think all is clear than climb up the steps leading to the top of the bunker. There is no need to run away, just crouch down behind the corner. They'll be a few German troops who might of followed you up the steps, kill them then go back in the bunker. Don't use the ramp, just jump down. The attacks by the Germans will stop as the USA air force clear out the rest of the Germans on the battlefield.

The Silo

  • Beaumont-Hague
  • 14 July 1944
  • Difficulty: 9 out of 10

Covering Your Squad

After being briefed get out your sniper and follow the rest of squad round the corner. The two other soldiers who'll be providing cover fire will take up place behind the left and middle stone road blocks. So take up position on the far right and start sniping the Germans coming at you from the right. They'll be arriving in small squads of four or five and should run towards the MG-42. Try to make sure nobody ever gets near the gun though because if they do then they'll have a pretty decent line of fire against you. They'll also be Germans in the house on the right, especially in the windows upstairs and near the door. It's fairly easy and once most of the Germans have been killed you'll be asked to advance forward into the village.

The First House

This village is a death trap and all the buildings are centered around the central crossroads. Never go anywhere near there because you're sure to be shot by someone in the five buildings over looking the crossroads. The first objective is to secure the house across the road in front of you. Run too the wall and start firing at the Germans behind the drums and at the doorstep. Whilst crouching make your way to the end of the wall and run across the road so that you hide behind the van. Clear any more Germans that are nearby and then run across the other half of the road and hide behind the crates that are looking onto the house. The doorstep should no be cleared so enter the house, clear the first few rooms and then go upstairs. But beware that when standing up in the front room, you are vulnerable to Germans firing at you from across the road. When up the stairs crouch behind the corner and just wait for all the Germans to come out of the remaining two rooms - there should be about 4 of them.

The Barn

Go all the way back to where you started the village objectives and this time use the small mud track between the house and hedgerow to get a clear view of the barn and the wall in front of it. Unfortunately your squad shouldn't follow you, instead they'll be running straight through the village to join you. Get to the front wall and shoot the Germans through the hole in the wall. Then make your way to the barn wall making sure nobody shoots you from the crossroads, use the car if you need cover. When you think all is clear then jump over the wall and hide behind the silo. They'll now be Germans shooting at you from inside the barn and the houses behind you. Once you take out the initial group of Germans in the barn go to the other side of the silo (making sure your not in the Germans line of fire that are in the house). There might be one or two more Germans in the barn - but they won't be the problem now, it's the Germans behind you that'll cause the trouble. Once the barn is cleared out you'll reach a checkpoint.

The Post Office

To clear out the Post Office go round it, don't take the shorter route of running across the middle of the road to get there. You'll see a large vehicle and sandbags if you have gone round the house. At this point Germans will be coming from the wall opposite to try and capture your position. Don't let them past and make sure nobody from the PO courtyard see you. In the courtyard they'll be some red barrels. Blow them up, causing many Germans to either die or run back into the PO. Jump over the wall and hide behind the front wall. Whilst you squad should take care of the Germans in the houses opposite you'll have to clear out the PO. Most of the downstairs Germans should be dead now but they'll still be some upstairs. One will be guarding the doorway from upstairs so make sure you shoot him before entering the building. The Germans upstairs will be in the left room and right room. Throw a smoke grenade up on the left side of the landing, hopefully blocking up the view from the main bulk of the Germans that are on the left side. Run up the stairs and kill the two Germans in the room, then once the smoke has lifted kill the Germans in the other room.

The Second House

To clear out the house go round the back way, past all the drums and go through the door on the side of the house (try to run because they'll be heavy fire from the German HQ). Downstairs once again should be clear, and they'll be one or two Germans upstairs but they're mostly scattered in different rooms and are too distracted with manning the machine guns.

The Third House

Downstairs in the house that you're in now, they'll be a door to the back. This is in direct fire of the German HQ but they're pretty far away so they shouldn't hit you. Turn left, then left again, go down the alley and stand at the doorway to the house. Keep poking your head round and pick off the Germans there. They'll be one at the front of the house upstairs manning a machine gun that you'll be able to see. The rest will be behind the tables.

The Nazi HQ

All but the Nazi HQ will now be under your control. This'll be the hardest part but it's made easier if you use this alternate route. Go back to where the PO is and you'll see a field, the gate will open and you would think that it's just there to add some realism but there is a small gap in the hedgerow there on the left side. Although when you go through the gap you will be facing a door, it's a lot safer then targeting the building from the front. Your troops will follow you and you should try to kill as many Germans downstairs before entering the house. They'll be a lot of rooms here so make sure each room is clear before you start to tackle upstairs. Stand at the bottom of the stairs and every so often you'll see Germans running form a room to the left, into a room straight ahead. Chuck a couple of grenades in the room straight on and most of them should die. Then run up the stairs and go into that room. Now that you're upstairs, it's a lot easier. Clear out the remaining rooms being careful on the front room as that has two entrances and so the enemy could attack you from behind.

Sniping From The Silo

After that long objective is done, meet up at the crossroads with your squad. Your new orders will be too defend the silo in the courtyard outside the barn. Climb the stairs there and pick up the sniper rifle on the floor at the top of the silo. You will then have to pick off the 2 man artillery crews that'll try attacking you from all directions. This part is hard and there's no real strategy to it but you'll improve with more tries if you remember the patterns of where the next crew is. Target the crews that have been showing on your compass for longer. Also try to reload when there are no stars on the compass. After about 15-20 crews, and a checkpoint halfway through the mission should be completed.