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The redeemer is the most powerful weapon in the unreal arsenal. It is a hand-launched nuke.

Weapon functions

  • Primary fire fires the redeemer in a straight line at your target
  • Secondary fire gives you a bird's eye view of the redeemer, which you can steer, but leaves you stationary and vulnerable.

Basic use

  • It is a single shot weapon that spawns (??) seconds after a game starts, and (??) seconds after each time it's picked up

Tactical uses of the Redeemer in Onslaught

  • It is a slow moving rocket. Usually it's far more effective to get closer to your target in a fast moving vehicle.
  • Shooting from the redeemer's pickup point is far to predictable.
  • Primary firing the redeemer; and hiding behind a wall or terrain feature is it's most effective use. The smallest wall or piece of terrain is enough to fully shield a player from his own weapon's blast.

Tactical uses of the Sniper Rifle in Deathmatch

It is a weapon rarely found in Deathmatch levels. Where it is used, timing when the weapon will next be available; and picking it up before anybody else is the only viable tactic.

Counters to the Redeemer

  • It has a characteristic launching sound. Listen out for that.
  • Shooting the redeemer before impact will destroy it.
    • A turret is easiest; shock rifle next best, then the sniper rifle.
    • Kudos to anybody who can hit it with a flak cannon just before impact (I've managed this once ever)
    • Using tank shells is surprisingly effective. If a redeemer is going to hit your node; hit your own node top with a tank shell; and time it so that the tank shell hits half a second before the redeemer. The blast radius of the tank shell will take out the redeemer.

Many servers choose to replace the redeemer with a rocket launcher in their maps, because of its power, and that the leading team will usually have exclusive access to the redeemer, making comebacks difficult.