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While on the desktop check your e-mail. There should be 3 so far.

New e-mail
Name Subject Overview
CC Corporation Version Update Small introduction to a few game mechanics.
CC Corporation Thank You An overview of the different game servers. These are the "towns" of the game.
Yasuhiko Registered Yet? Your school friend planning to meet up with you in The World.

The e-mail on the bottom of the list is from your friend Yasuhiko. His character's name is Orca and wants to meet you in Root town to help walk you through your first dungeon.

Before logging into The World be sure to read the 2 other remaining e-mails to learn more about the game and how to play. There are also 5 new news articles available for you to read. These are not vital to gameplay but they do help get one familiarized with the setting.

New news articles
  • New Transportation System Operational
  • 'The World' Tops 20 Million
  • Neuro Goggles FMD
  • 0.49% Error Rate
  • WNC Official Statement
New Board messages
  • System Explanation
  • Play Knowledge
  • Zeit Statue
  • New Transportation System
  • 'The World' Reaches 20 Million!
  • Neuro Goggle FMD
  • Keyword Creation
  • What's a Grunty?
  • Spring of Myst
  • Item Trades
  • Symbol
  • Version Upgrade Information: Important

The message board section is useful for learning how the game works and later will be the best way to get new characters to join your party.

Logged in[edit]

Orca greets you. Looks like your friend's character is a level 50 Blademaster. He gives you Orca's member address. Now you can mail him in The World too. This is used to add and remove party members. It is accessed by pressing Triangle button to bring up the menu and selecting Party.

After talking Orca shows you the Chaos Gate. These are used to either change servers or to go to an area. These are made up of 3 Keywords. The Keywords effect variables of areas like element and strength of monsters. You can get additional Keywords by reading your e-mails, the Board, and from other players.

The keywords Orca has you use are: Bursting, Passed over, Aqua Field. It is a Lv. 1 Wood element area.

Δ Bursting, Passed over, Aqua Field[edit]

Orca explains encounters and how to control the camera angles. When starting in an area you are in the Field. It is the lowest area of the area. It is the only area where you can Gate Out and return to town. The farther down you go the stronger the enemies get. In the Dungeon's deepest level is a Gott Statue. These statues will give you a rare item. The goal of an area is to reach this statue.

Orca uses a Fairy's Orb to make the hidden data on the map visible. Now you can see where the encounters are. When doing an area it is best to defeat all yellow portals on a map. These are the yellow areas that show up on the map. If you do this you will get an additional bonus.

After all the talking is done go kill the goblins in the 4 yellow portals and head for the dungeon entrance.


When in the dungeon Orca will explain treasure chests. After turning the corner the 2 of you see a strange girl being chased by a monster. You won't be able to find the girl again on this level so explore the floor and head down.


Explore the left and right paths first to get a few more battles in. The path that leads up is where the Gott Statue is.

When leaving something weird happens and a cutscene starts. It's that odd floating girl. She gives both of you a book. Afterwards an unkillable monster attacks Orca. It kills Orca but you are able to get away with the help of a mysterious woman.

The next day[edit]

The following day you find out that your friend Yasuhiko has been hospitalized.

New e-mail
  • CC Corporation: Server Problems

Still upset and confused over what happened to his friend, the player decides to post about it on the Board. Your post on the forum is titles Coma. Unable to log in go back to the desktop and check your new e-mail. You find a corrupted looking e-mail. It refers to book and help but most of the content is garbled. After seeing the garbled mail you should be able to log into the world and get back to playing. Once you log in there is a girl pacing. She approaches you and accuses you of being a newbie. After yelling at you she runs away. Now is a good time to explore the town and buy some equipment. Once you go back to the gate BlackRose will approach you again. She wants to join your party. Agree and she will give you her member address. Add her to your party and go to the dungeon she suggested.