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World 4-1[edit]

Bio Miracle map stage 4-1a.png
  • Welcome to computer world. The background is a printed circuit board, and the platforms are composed of chips and sockets. You can't jump through the solid chips, but you can jump up through the more open socket platforms. New enemies include the pink rats that run off the chips and fall down to lower levels, and snakes with plugs for heads that slither back and forth.
  • This stage is extremely unusual because it has not one, but two hidden sections which can only be accessed by jumping up through holes in the ceiling. You will only find item boxes, including valuable hearts, in these secret sections, so finding them will help Upa survive to the end of the stage. To reach the first secret section, it's very important to find an enemy that you can ride up to the top of the stage very quickly. If you fail to do this, you can't climb high enough to access the first ceiling gap. Wait for the snake on the first socket platform to turn and slither to the right before inflating him with your rattle. This will allow you to ride the enemy up to the left, and up to the highest platform.
  • If you fail to do this, your only choice is to take the lowest level. This is because going through the middle will cause the stage to scroll repeatedly until you choose an alternate path. You will hear a noise whenever you choose an incorrect path such as this, indicating that you are looping around.
Bio Miracle map stage 4-1b.png
  • If you make it up to the first secret section, the very first item box on the left contains a heart. Be sure to grab it before you continue to the right. You will find two more item boxes, one which contains a milk bottle, while the other contains a jar. To escape this section, you must jump onto the platform below the gap in the ceiling. This will return you to the location marked with the A on the lower portion of the map.
  • After passing through a maze of chips, inflate a snake and ride it up to the top platform so that you can reach the second gap in the ceiling. Inflate another snake and ride on top of it so that Upa can avoid the bed of spikes along the top path. Leap up through the next gap to reach the second hidden section. If you are unable to reach the top, you'll have to take the middle pathway, as the bottom path sends Upa on an endless loop.
Bio Miracle map stage 4-1c.png
  • In the second hidden section, you'll find an item box on the top of three socket platforms. You must jump up through the first socket from the floor, and continue up to the top to hit the box. Inside, you'll find a second heart item. Then escape through the path along the top and drop down to the platform near the floor below the gap in the ceiling. It will rise and return you to location B on the lower portion of the map.
World 4-1
  • Once again, it is safest if you take the path along the top of the screen. If you can't reach it, drop all the way down to the bottom. The middle path is an endless loop that Upa will have to drop out of if you want to reach the end of the stage.
  • Boss: As you probably expected, the boss of this stage is another large pig. This time, a small platform above the floor offers a limited amount of safety, but it does not provide Upa with much opportunity to attack the boss. To do that, you'll have to remain on the floor and be prepared to attack the red dolls as soon as they appear. If you wait for the pig to spit out the last doll, he will advance farther ahead of the last doll and hit Upa. It's much better to be proactive and attack the first doll that appears. Push it into the boss, and then prepare yourself to use the platform to get off the floor as the boss passes harmlessly beneath you. It takes three dolls to defeat the boss.

World 4-2[edit]

Bio Miracle map stage 4-2a.png
  • Computer world is full of surprises, and in this stage, gravity is reversed! There are no other differences, but it can take a while to get used to the fact that Upa jumps up and falls down. Enemies float down, and items rise up when they "drop" to the floor.
  • When you begin, use the first red doll to "rise" down so that you can access the socket platform with the first item box. Inside you'll find a heart, which is especially helpful if you missed any of the hearts in the previous stage. When drop off the socket platform, however, make sure you guide Upa safely to a solid platform above.
  • When you reach a small bed of spikes on the top of the screen, you will likely wish to ride an enemy to the safety of the socket platform on the bottom. However, the first solid chip that follows the socket has a nasty surprise: it will "fall" to the top of the screen when Upa stands on it. It's best to jump over it and drop off from a more stable platform. The item box above contains a bottle of milk.
  • You are required to strike an enemy with your rattle and ride the inflated body down to the gap below the wall that splits the level. Beyond that, you must jump from one platform to the next until you are forced once again to use an enemy to reach higher platforms in order to avoid spikes.
Bio Miracle map stage 4-2b.png
World 4-2
  • When you are near the end of the stage, you will find three red dolls that patrol the "floor" at the top of the screen. Be sure not to kill all three of them at once, and save one that you can use to reach the item box on the platform near the bottom of the screen. This box contains a heart. After you collect it however, you will have no choice but to "drop" up to the left, and the cross over to the right by jumping on the spikes and sustaining one heart of damage.
  • Boss: The fun continues as you must fight the boss with the reverse gravity still in effect. While this may continue to be jarring, it shouldn't present a tremendous challenge against this familiar boss. The landscape is very much in your favor. Push three inflated dolls into the pig to defeat it.

World 4-3[edit]

Bio Miracle map stage 4-3a.png
World 4-3
  • If the previous stage was upside down, in terms of gravity, then this stage is backwards in terms of content. After collecting what is essentially a free heart from the item box placed right in front of Upa's starting point, it's only a short walk to the right until Upa encounters the stage's...
  • Boss: You've barely walked as far as a single screen when you will encounter the snake boss for the second time. This boss can breath a jet of flame from his mouth that can easily reach Upa even when he's standing on the far left side of the middle platform. Despite his attack, this fight is probably one of the easiest, simply because the enemies drop right where you need them to, and right where they can be pushed into the snake. When each blue doll drops, inflate it and push it to the right to hit the snake. Do this five times, and you will defeat the boss. A chest won't appear, however. You still need to finish the stage.
  • Use the first red doll after the boss fight to float up to the first set of three item boxes. Inside, you'll find an time-stopping hourglass, an empty box, and an apple. On the opposite side, you'll find three apples. Then drop down to the floor, and continue to the right.
  • Stay in the middle path through the next section to avoid the spikes. Then you must make the decision whether it's worth it to jump up through the socket platform to obtain a milk jar from the item box above, only to have to jump on the spikes that follow, or skip the milk and avoid taking damage.
Bio Miracle map stage 4-3b.png
  • Throughout the next section, you will find a series of item boxes. While it's possible to obtain them all, most of them contain apples, and some of them are empty. The first truly worthwhile item box occurs at the bottom of the screen. To collect it, you must fall off the right side of the ledge above the box, and then push to the left as you fall. You should land inside the area with the box, where you will find an extra life.
  • When you reach the end of the stage, the chest which you earned by defeating the snake boss will fall from the ceiling. However, you will also notice another item box tucked under a set of platforms. To reach it, you must jump from the floor to the left so that you land on the lowest socket platform. This may requires a short hop, or jumping up to the platform above and falling down off the right side while pushing left. Either way, if you make it in, you'll obtain another extra life. Just be careful not to fall through the gap below while trying to collect it.