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Games Page

Most Neopian games can be found on the Games page, but there are a couple that don't fit into the regular catagories and can only be accessed through certain other methods (Alternative Games). However, these games are fairly rare, and in some cases have strict rules, (ie - you can only play Deadly Dice at 12:00 Neopets' time.) so this page will be focussed on those games that can be found on the games page.

Neopets has a wide variety of games available, catagorized into Action, Puzzles, and Luck/Chance. Many Neopets games are actually based on well known, previously existing games, such as Snake (Meerca Chase) or Asteroids (Nimo's Pond), while others are innovative ideas.


Each game is also assigned a difficulty level: Easy, Medium, or Hard, shown through a small star thumbnail beside the games. The difficulty ratings seem to refer to the challenge involved in playing them, rather than involved in earning neopoints from the game, as many of the games that are labled as Hard can actually have higher payouts than the "easier" games.
File:Neopets game easy.gif
File:Neopets game medium.gif
File:Neopets game hard.gif

Featured Game

There is also a daily Featured Game which is picked at random from the Action or Puzzle games. This game is given a special place of prominance on the Games page, and also pays out twice as many neopoints per play as that game normally would.

On featured games, the 1000 np cap is applied before the score is doubled, and you can win up to 2000 np per play.

NP Ratio

Each game has a NP ratio, which is shown on that game's page.

High Scores and Trophies

Each Neopets game has a high scores table, which records 100 top scores for that month. At the end of each day, the users with the top 17 scores get a prize of a trophy for their userlookup, and a small number of neopoints. The high scores list is reset on the first day of every month, which allows people a fresh shot at getting the best scores.

Some games do not have high scores, but instead give out trophies for getting past a certain point in the game, or for accomplishing a certain tricky play. At the moment, this only applies to some puzzle games, although it is also possible to get trophies for some non-game activities.



200m Peanut Dash

Advert Attack

Attack of the Revenge

Attack of the Slorgs

Better Than You

Bumper Cars

Carnival of Terror

Castle Battles

Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island

Chia Bomber 2


Defender Trainer

Defenders of Neopia

Dubloon Disaster

Escape from Meridell Castle

Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars

Extreme Herder

Extreme Potato Counter

Faerie Bubbles

Faerie Cloud Racers

Feed Florg


Freaky Factory


Gourmet Club Bowls

Grand Theft Ummagine

Grundo Snowthrow













puzzle games that are mostly hard...


luck games such as coin flipping, BS, guessing games...

i dont want 2 miss a thing

External Links

Action, puzzle & luck/chance guides can be found at this neopets site.

I removed a bunch of stuff that was previously this page, until I (or someone else does) sort through it and merge the information into this article, I made an archive.

Some images on this page (c) 2004 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission