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Stage 1: Steppe Area[edit]

Stage progression
Enemy Notes
Mines After flying over the trees, the mines will appear off in the distance. Stay in one general area, and fire bullets off at an even pace to clear away any mines that might be floating in your vicinity.
Kangaroo One lone kangaroo will herald the arrival of a herd of kangaroos shortly after. A little less predictable than the mines, you may need to adjust your position when they approach. Alternatively, you can safely fly along the top of the screen.
Crocodiles Two trios will fly around in circles in front of you. On their second approach, they will be too far or the left or right to hit, so don't try to intercept them or they will crash into you before you can shoot them.
Tortoise A pack of four tortoises will slide left and right across the ground. They pose little threat to you until they are much closer to you. Pick off the ones that you can, and get off the ground when they are near.
Statues Three statues will pass by. This is your chance to collect as many as possible. You should be able to collect at least two if they lie along the same general path. Two statues will get you a third bullet and a significant speed up, both of which will give you an advantage against the boss.
Crocodiles Two more trios fly toward Nokko. This time, they zig zag back and forth like the tortoises, but in the air. On top of that, these crocs will fire at you, so be prepared to dodge any incoming bullets.
Orbs For the final encounter of the stage, three orbs will fly forward and present themselves. They will float about in a circle, and fire bullets at Nokko for a couple of seconds, and then the survivors will retreat into the background. They take three shots to destroy.

Boss: Koala[edit]

The Koala is the first boss of the game. The lessons you learn fighting against this boss will serve you well against all of the others, since the strategies are essentially the same. The koala totes a tommy gun and fires it at you constantly. If you ever stop moving, even momentarily, you will significantly increase the chances that you will get hit by a bullet. While you can fire directly on the koala, this is generally both a slower and more dangerous strategy to employ. Instead, you should focus your attacks on the koala's defenders, a set of orbs that rotate around the screen. These orbs do not shoot and they only require one shot to destroy. They do fly close enough to hit Nokko, but only briefly. The easiest place to shoot at them is from the center of the bottom of the screen, since every orb will pass through there. If you manage to destroy all of the orbs, the koala will be defeated. Bear in mind that as orbs are defeated, the koala will fire more rapidly at Nokko.

Stage 2: Sand Area[edit]

Stage progression
Enemy Notes
Mines Just like last stage, try to stay in one general area, and pick off the mines in your path before you collide with them.
Armadillos A lone armadillo will appear before a group of them launch their way to Nokko's position. Watch their position in the distance to judge where they will touch down in the foreground, and pick them off when they land. Stay on the ground to avoid colliding with them, but watch out for the cactus.
Kangaroo A trio of kangaroos will approach. These kangaroos will stick around for a little while and fire once at Nokko before leaving.
Crocodiles Three crocodiles will fly straight towards Nokko, followed by a second slower trio who will weave back and forth while shooting at her.
Skeleton Three skeletons appear on the ground. After they go by a much larger group shows up behind them. You can drop down to pick them off, or you can simply fly over them. Finally, four more skeletons will appear, and these skeletons will jump off the ground when you get close to them.
Tortoise Four tortoises will zig-zag along the ground as they approach you. They are followed by another group of four, although these four will shoot at you, so do not remain in one position for very long when they appear.
Armadillos Another large batch of armadillos will drop in from the sky. Position yourself on the ground and pick them off when they land before they have a chance to get airborne again.
Statues Just before the statues appear, the cactus on the ground will lift off into the sky, so stay on the ground. With the added speed from the previous stage, you may be lucky enough to collect all three statues that arrive. Collect up to five statues will give you a forth bullet, even more speed, and the ability to shoot down terrain objects like the cactus.
Crocodile A trio of crocs will fly backwards from the top of the screen to the background, shooting once at Nokko as they fly away. Another trio will approach Nokko from the back, shooting as they fly left and right to the front.
Shark After a long stretch of cactus, sharks will begin to leap out of the ground below. They jump into the air, take a shot at Nokko, and then fall back down into the ground. In order to destroy them, you must hit them precisely in the eye, as shots that hit them anywhere else are useless.
Skeleton More skeletons will appear and leap off the ground just before Nokko reaches the boss for the level.

Boss: Lizard[edit]

Like the koala, the lizard surrounds himself with henchmen, this time in the form of skeletons. The skeletons loop around the lizard in two separate orbits, one going from lower left to upper right, and the other going from lower right to upper left. The best place to try and hit the skeletons is along the outer left or right edges of the screen. The place to absolutely avoid, however, is the upper center of the screen, since this happens to be where all of the skeletons cross the place where Nokko flies, thus making it possible to collide with her and kill her. Never stop moving, always remember to fly around or the bullets that the lizard shoots are very likely to hit you, especially as you cut down on the number of skeletons.

Stage 3: Fire Area[edit]

Stage progression
Enemy Notes
Acorn Acorns are just like mines. Simply stick to one general area and pick off the ones that are likely to collide with you.
Mice After the first trio of mice zip by, a larger pack will follow. If you want the points, fly to the ground and run back and forth shooting at them to remove them.
Crow One crow will descend from the sky and bounce away before many more crows start to appear. Do not fly along the middle of the screen since that is where you are most vulnerable to there attack. Try to pick them off while they are still in the air, or as they are retreating.
Orbs A trio of orbs will approach. These orbs will fire much faster than the ones you encounter in the first stage, so keep moving to avoid getting hit. They take three shots to destroy.
Armadillos The armadillos that fall out of the sky make for very easy targets compared to the speed of the other creatures you've encountered so far on this stage. Stay on the ground and shoot at them where they land.
Crocodile A formation of crocodiles will fly backwards from the front of the screen to the background, firing once at Nokko as they retreat. Then a trio of crocs will fly forward. Any that you don't pick off will reappear very high in the sky, retreating from Nokko.
Volcanoes The volcanoes on the ground become very active at this point, and shoot fireballs into the air. If you have collected five statues, you can shoot out the volcanoes, but you will still be vulnerable to the attacks of any that you miss, so it's best to stay in the air and keep moving.
Acorns After the volcanoes stop firing, a group of acorns will fly onto the screen.
Statues If you are in need of any power-ups, prepare to drop down and collect more statues after the acorns fly by.
Skeleton A group of skeletons will appear. These skeletons will leap off the ground as you approach.
Mice Another set of mice will appear along the ground.
Kangaroo Five kangaroos will jump on to the screen. They will stay a bit in front of Nokko for a brief period of time before shooting at her, and jumping along behind her.
Crocodile Three trios of crocs will fly on to the screen. The third and final trio will also fly back into the background after approaching Nokko.
Acorns A third encounter with acorns happens. After the last acorns fly by, there are two volcanoes that are active, so don't hold still
Crows Another wave of crows will descend upon you from the background. Get off the ground and fire at them from the safety of the ground or way high up in the air. As soon as the crows end, be prepared to fly around and avoid the fireballs that are fired at you from the last of the volcanoes.

Boss: Monkey[edit]

Like all bosses, the monkey fires at you constantly and has a collection of some type of animal to protect him, in this case, crows. And like other bosses, he fires at you more frequently has his animal protection deteriorates. The crows that defend him fly around in a particular pattern. They perform loops from the background to the foreground. At first, they loop around the right side of the screen, and then the center, and then the left, before going back to the center and then right again. The easiest place to hit them from is the top of the screen as they tend to congregate at the top center before they fly forward again. The worst place to be is along the bottom, since the crows seem to have the ability to actually go behind Nokko and hit her in the back when they try to return to the background. Not all of the crows that defend the monkey initially appear. After you shoot a few, they will be replaced with more crows who will move through the same pattern at their own speed.

Stage 4: Sea Area[edit]

Stage progression
Enemy Notes
Jellyfish After swimming over strands of seaweed in her new bathing suit, Nokko will encounter jellyfish. They approach her like mines and acorns, but they bob up and down a little as they float in the water, making them a little harder to hit. Many more of them will appear after the first small group.
Sea anemone The anemones arrive from the background and life off the ground just before they get close to Nokko. You can pick most of them off from the floor before they get too close.
Urchins Urchins will appear from the background along the right side of the screen. They will advance and hover at the depth where Nokko is swimming. Be very careful not to stay in their vicinity when they are close to the screen. Swoop in to attack them when they briefly retreat and then get out of their way again.
Starfish A larger group of starfish will follow the initial small group. Their circular motion makes them appear to be swimming in spirals. They can be difficult to hit, both at a distance, and up close, so use judgment before swimming into their path.
Squid Two squid will appear from the distance. If you don't shoot them, they won't really pose any threat to you. However, if you do shoot them, they will pop into four small squids which you must dodge as they swim past you.
Seaweed At this point, the seaweed will detach itself from the ground and leap up in an effort to entangle you on your way forward. You are safe on the ground.
Statues Another opportunity to power yourself up will present itself here.
Sea anemone More anemones will appear in the distance through the seaweed. Pick off as many as you can from the ground before they get to close and swim up.
Urchin Another group of urchins will appear, this time swinging around in wider circles than before.
Starfish Starfish fly forward from the background again. This time, they will also shoot at you when they get close enough to you, so keep moving around.
Squid Five more squids will appear. Again, they won't bother you if you don't shoot them, but you'll likely have to dodge the four smaller squid they produce if you are trigger-happy.
Orbs Three orbs will appear and swim around in a very wide circle while firing at you.
Turtles The sea turtles that appear in this stage behave identically to the tortoises you've seen in the past. The first group of four won't fire at you, but the second group of four will.
Jellyfish Take on another batch of jellyfish…
Starfish …followed by another batch of starfish. These starfish are much more anxious to fire at you.
Urchin The very last encounter of the stage before the boss are a final set of urchins. If left alive long enough, they will also fire at you.

Boss: Sea Turtle[edit]

The giant sea turtle at the end of this stage is no different than another other boss. He fires bullets at you from his mouth. His protector species is the urchin. A group of them will swim around in a spiral, forming a downward column. Once they reach the bottom, they float back up to the top and repeat the process. There is relatively little danger in getting hit by the urchin, but you should still be careful not to hold your position around the center of the screen. The best strategy is to swim in figure eights, concentrating most of your fire into the center of the screen.

Stage 5: Dark Area[edit]

Stage progression
Enemy Notes
Flame In this considerably darker stage, Nokko flies through the air in her red dress as the music takes a minor tone. The first encounter of the stage are a set of flames that bob an weave through the sky in an unpredictable fashion. Point hungry players may try to shoot them down, but it's safer to find a safe place to fly past them.
Trees After the flames stop, the trees on the ground will hop up and down. You're still safe on the sky, but don't fly low and let one snag you in the foot by surprise.
Cobra After one cobra zips by, a group of them will follow behind. They stay low to the ground, but they can weave left and right at very high speeds, making them a bit difficult to contend with at their level. Like the anemones in the previous stage, they float off the ground when they get closer to the screen.
Bats Bats will appear to hop up and down for a while, but after one or two bounces, they tend to stick to the ground. You can intercept them fairly easily from there, but be prepared to move out of the way if you can't fire your bullets off fast enough.
Crocodiles An initial group of crocs will fly onto the screen at a very high altitude, making them hard to hit. Once they are above you, they will loop back into the distance, firing at Nokko as they retreat. Then several more trios of crocs will fly in along different patterns.
Flame A spiral of flame will appear from the front of the screen and drift into the background. Once you find a location along the left side to safely shoot them from, stay there until you've destroyed all of them.
Spider A single spider will drop down from the sky. Do not attempt to approach it and shoot it until it starts to drift into the background, or it will kill you.
Statues After the spider leaves, prepare to collect three more statues in case you need powering up.
Flame More fireballs will appear off in the distance and rush towards you as you fly forwards through the sky.
Skeleton A group of skeletons will appear on the ground. They will leap off the ground and into the air, and they will fire at Nokko at the moment they jump.
Shark A number of sharks will pop out of the ground to attack you. Some will simply jump straight up and back down, while others will leap across from left to right, or right to left. Remember, you can only kill them if you shoot them squarely in the eye.
Bats You will have to contend with a three groups of bats. The first group flies through the upper portion of the sky until they get close to you, and then fly back into the distance. The second group bobs up and down and will fire at you when they get closer. This group is the most dangerous, and you need to keep moving while you attempt to shoot them. The third groups is like the first, and less dangerous.
Cobra A group of cobras will streak along the ground, lifting up right when they get close to Nokko.
Crocodiles Another wave of crocs will appear high in the sky. Once they pass, another group will appear from both the left and right, looping around in the back and firing at you when they proceed forward again.
Crow Crows will fly in from the background, making it difficult to see their black wings and bodies against the black background. Focus on their eyes to track their position, and stay away from the center height of the screen. They will fire at Nokko while they retreat.
Flame Another retreating spiral of flame will appear, making a much wider arc than before.
Bats A small group of bats will fly in, bob up and down, and then rush forward through the air.
Mice A large collection of mice will appear along the ground in and among some of the trees. They are fairly safe to attack, but watch out if you can't fire many bullets.
Spider A number of spiders will drop from the top of the screen, and occupy a majority of the right portion of the floor. Do not attempt to collide with them and knock them out. Stay on the left side of the screen and let them run to the background.

Boss: Spider[edit]

The boss of this stage is a very large spider, so naturally, its animal defenders are the small variety of spiders that you've encountered. They don't behave the same as before. Rather, they leap to the front and then back to the boss in a variety of directions. Choosing a safe spot to fire at them from is a bit of a gamble, as they are likely to hit you anywhere where they occupy the foreground. It is safer to attack them as the hop back into the background, and just before they leap forward again. Meanwhile, you need to keep moving in order to dodge the boss's bullets, so in general, it's best to fly around in a small tight figure eight, and fire constantly. The more bullets you have the easier it is to get lucky and strike one or two of the spiders while they drift backward.

Stage 6: Sky Area[edit]

Stage progression
Enemy Notes
Crocodiles The first enemies of the Sky stage are the jet-pack equipped crocodiles. They weave left and right, and fire as they approach you.
Orb After the crocodiles, you will face off against a trio of orbs.
Tortoise Two groups of four tortoises will appear. Both of them will fire at Nokko.
Kangaroo A very aggressive batch of kangaroos will leap into the foreground, fire at you as they do so.
Statues Three statues appear rather early into this stage. Collect them if you need more power.
Skeletons Leaping skeletons appear at a fast rate, shooting at you when they jump into the air.
Crocodiles Two trios of crocs fly forwards and then retreat, shooting at you almost the entire duration of their trip. A third trio will loop around in the sky while the columns begin to leap off the ground.
Columns After the columns finish bouncing out of the ground, they start floating around in mid-air as well. If you have collected five statues in one life, you will be able to shoot them out of the sky. Otherwise, find a safe place to situate yourself, and be prepared to move out of the way if a column is in your path. Another trio of crocodiles will appear before the columns return to the ground.
Shark Four teams of one-eyed sharks will hop out of the ground, flying to the left and to the right as they move across the screen.
Tortoise Another two groups of four tortoises will weave left and right along the floor, shooting very quickly at you as they approach.
Bats A group of bats will bob up and down as they approach the screen. Those that survive long enough to get close to you will shoot at you.
Orb Three more trios of orbs will approach and shoot at you while they hover in a circle before retreating. They will each rotate in a slightly different formation.
Spider Four spiders will drop down from the top of the screen, occupy your space, and rush into the background. You are safe on either extreme side of the screen.
Crocodiles All manner of crocodile formations will begin to appear, and continue appearing for quite a long time. They will fly in every type of pattern that you've ever seen them fly in before. They will fire at you constantly, so make survival a priority over shooting them down.
Shark Another set of sharks will appear out of the ground. Some of these will jump straight up, while a number will still jump from one side to the other. They will all continue to fire at you.
Columns For the remainder of the stage, Nokko must navigate a barrage of columns that float in the sky. She's actually safest on the ground. Race to the end where you will face off with the final boss.

Boss: Twin Snakes[edit]

The final boss of the game is a rather strange site: a pair of conjoined snakes who are connected at the tail. They don't actually animate very much, so their arrangement is rather fixed. Nevertheless, this is still a standard boss fight, with the boss firing bullets at you while protective animals fly around. This time, the protective animal is the one-eyed shark. It is unclear if you need to hit them square in the eye like usual or not. The sharks fly in a particular pattern, flying out to the upper right corner, then back to the center, then out to the lower right corner, and so on in a clockwise direction around the screen. They are most vulnerable to attack in the center of the screen when they are transitioning from one corner to the next. Focus most of your attack there when the group retreats from the front of the screen. Once you destroy all of the sharks, the twin snakes will be defeated, and you will witness the end of the game.

Nokko will rescue her friend and you will earn one million points for every extra life in reserve, and then you will see the credits. After that, the game will start over from stage one. You will keep any power-ups you had at the end of the game, but you will have no extra lives. You will need to earn more by attaining more points.