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Reminder: The screenshots below are taken from the graphically enhanced X68000 versions. The floor setup and solutions are identical to the Famicom and Game Boy Color versions.

Stage 25[edit]

Power 15 Password
Priests 1
Bats 1
Babelz 0
  • This is the first stage where grabbing the lamp is virtually guaranteed. The lamp will appear shortly after the floor begins because of the falling blocks. Lift up block 1 and drop down inside to collect the lamp.
  • Now you have to choices to reach the exit. If you life block 2 and drop it to the right, you can then escape to the right side through block 3, climb the vine back to the starting point, and drop off the ledge to the left, climb left up the staircase, and drop down to exit through the high door.
  • If you collected the lamp, them you have the ability to pass through blocks by holding B button. In that case, you can lift block 3 and toss it to the left. Then, using the B button, pass through the blocks to the right until you can climb up the vine, back to the starting point, and drop off the ledge to the left and exit through the low door.

Stage 26[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 1
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • In this stage, the exit is hidden behind a particular pair of blocks. You need to search behind each of them to discover the doors locations.
  • There is one priest here who can be slightly annoying, but there are plenty of blocks to crush him with.
  • If you follow the path indicated by the red arrow, you will arrive in front of the hidden door. You'll need to bring block 1 down to reach the left most vine, and move the blocks at point 2 to access the exit.

Stage 27[edit]

Power 15 Password
Priests 2
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • Three crystals must be collected in order to escape this floor. The highest crystal is an easy one to collect, but the two priests that are moving about can make that especially tricky to accomplish safely. Try to lure them far to the right and below you before you lift up block 1, and drop down below to collect the crystal at point 2. (Alternatively, you can leave this crystal for last after the priests have been lured farther away.)
  • Next, make your way to block 3, lift it up, and drop down below to collect the next crystal. You should fall down on top of the floating platform to the right of block 4.
  • Pick up block 4 when the platform places you next to it. Climb down the staircase, drop it off at the end, climb over and pick it up from the other side to rotate it. Place it on the left side of the platform and begin building a staircase to the last crystal at point 5.
  • If you all done, you can climb back over the last block to the right, and fall down to the platforms below. From there, you can simply climb up the vine to the exit. If, however, you chose to save the top crystal for last, you'll need to ride the floating platform back to the right to climb up the vine and collect it.

Stage 28[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 3
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • It's not your brain that will get you to the exit on this floor, but your reflexes. Three priests will be trying to stop you from reaching the open door at the top of the stairs.
  • From the outset, priest 1 will be falling towards you, and priest 2 will be climbing up the steps. Get as close to priest 2 as you can before lifting the block between the two of you and letting him fall through the gap. Replace the block and climb on.
  • By the time you clear the short vine, priest 3 will be just reaching the bottom step. Lift the block on the ground and let him fall through the gap. The drop the block back down on top of him and preserve the stairs.
  • At this point, priest 2 will be falling down from the ceiling, and you may need to lift up one more block in order to let him fall through the gap before you replace the block and proceed to the exit.

Stage 29[edit]

Power 20 Password
Priests 0
Bats 0
Babelz 1
  • Due to the presence of the Babelz in this stage, there are actually a couple of solutions to this stage. They almost all start out with the lifting of block 1, allowing the one block above it to fall, and then the lifting of block 2 so that a new staircase is stacked on top of block 1.
  • There are two options when it comes to the Babelz. One is to remove block 3, and use the blocks that he drops down to continue to build the staircase on block 1 for two more blocks. The other is to destroy the Babels, and build a three block staircase to the left from the platform that he patrolled.
  • If you choose to kill the Babelz, climb up the vine and crush it with block 4. Blocks 3, 4, and 5 make the perfect staircase to the exit door. Move block 6 out of the way in order to access block 5.
  • If you choose to let the Babelz live, you will need to remove block 3. You can climb up the vine beneath the Babelz when it walks to the left, and move block 4 out of the way. Then climb down the vine and wait for the Babelz to walk to the right. Climb back up and drop block 3 down to the blocks below. Use Block 3 as the fourth block in the staircase.
  • Wait for the Babelz to lumber back over to the left and drop another block down the side. Collect this block and place it at the top of the staircase. Now climb over the stairs and drop down to the left, and climb up the vine. Pluck out block 7, and let the rest of that staircase fall down and reassemble on top of the staircase below, and head to the exit.

Stage 30[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 2
Bats 1
Babelz 0
  • For all of Floor 30's complexity, this is actually a very simple floor to beat. Watch out for the priest closest to you near the top, and when it's safe, drop down a few platforms. Your first goal is to reach block 1.
  • Lift block 1, and let the remaining blocks fall down and stack up on the staircase below. Follow them down and do the same thing to block 2. Let all of the blocks fall down to the ground below.
  • Drop down to the next platform. Lift block 3, and carry it to the top of the stairs, and you will be able to access the exit door.

Stage 31[edit]

Power 40 Password
Priests 1
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • This floor can be rather tedious, and your success will be dependant upon how quickly you can react to the lone priest that is running around the platform.
  • Conceptually, you need to bring blocks 1, 2, and 3 down to the platform at the bottom of the left-most vine. On top of that, they need to be oriented as L's and not J's. This sounds easy, but the layout of the stage hinders the ability to do this quickly.
  • Start by dropping block one down the vine. You can reorient it the other way when you get another block down there. The move block 3 aside, and drop block down the right edge of the platform. Then collect block 3 again and drop it down the right side of the next platform.
  • Climb down the vine and bring block 3 to the left and drop it over the left edge of the lower platform to the floor below. Climb down and carry the block over to the ledge above. At this point, you can reverse the orientation of the first block by lifting it, carrying it over to the vine, turning around and dropping it. Then climb the vine up and over the block and down the other side. Adjust the block that you just brought here if you have to and seat it inside the first block.
  • Now climb back up and collect block 2 and repeat the process of bringing it to the other two blocks. Only this time, leave it as a J, and use it to begin building a staircase to the door. Pick up the other two blocks and stack them on top of the first, and climb up to the door to leave.

Stage 32[edit]

Power 10 Password
Priests 0
Bats 0
Babelz 0
  • There's hardly any challenge to reaching the exit here, but will you be able to figure out how to reveal the hidden symbol that the floor contains?
Big Password Symbol

Hold Down dpad+Left dpad on the control pad until the symbol appears.