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  •  O  and  P : In the ZX and C64 versions, use these two keys to make Gonch walk left and right; however, in the CPC version, you will have to use the left and right arrow keys instead. You can also use  Q  (or the up arrow key on the CPC) to make Gonch climb up objects and reach the screen above the one that he's on - and if you press the climbing key in conjunction with either horizontal movement key, Gonch will jump to the left or right.
  •  CapsShift + 1 : In the ZX version, press these two keys together to end the text in the lower half of the screen; for the CPC version, you will have to press  Esc  instead, while in the C64 version you will have to press  ClrHome . This key will also abort the menu if you select the wrong option.
  •  M : In the ZX version, use this key to bring up a menu in the lower half of the screen; for the CPC and C64 versions, you will have to use  Space  instead. The menu displays eight options: Pick Up, Drop, Examine, Use, Take, Give, Talk and Exit Menu, which can be selected by pressing  A  for the ZX and C64 versions, or the down arrow key in the CPC version - and you will then have to press the menu key again to confirm your choice.

Menu Options[edit]

  • Pick Up: Will let Gonch carry any object on the current screen; when activated, a second menu will be brought up showing the possible objects that can be picked up, and you'll have to select the ones you want with that option select key, then press the menu one to collect them. However, Gonch may only carry a limited number of objects - and if he tries to carry one over the limit, he will have to drop one if he wants to pick up something else.
  • Drop: Will let Gonch drop any object he is currently carrying; when activated, a second menu will again be brought up showing the possible objects which can be dropped, and you will have to select the ones you no longer require with the option select key, then press the menu one to drop them.
  • Examine: Will give Gonch a description of any object he is currently carrying; a second menu will again be brought up showing the possible objects which can be described, and you will have to select the one that you want to find out more about with the option select key then push the menu one to confirm your choice. The object's full description shall appear in the lower half of the screen, and can be cleared by pressing the menu key again.
  • Use: Shall let Gonch make use of any object he is currently carrying; when activated, a second menu will again be brought up showing the possible objects which can be used, and you shall have to select the one that you want to use with the option select key, then push the menu one to confirm your choice (in some cases, you may then need to enter full details about what you want to do with the object by typing on the console's keyboard).
  • Take/Give: The former option may let Gonch take an object from another character, while the latter lets him give an object to another character; in the case of the latter, a second menu will be brought up from which the object to be given must be selected, followed by a third one from which the character to whom the object should be given must be selected. However, one object that Gonch must never give to anyone else is the false teeth.
  • Talk: Will let Gonch talk to other characters and persuade them to help him, follow him or give him something; when activated, a cursor will appear under the lower half of the screen, ready for Gonch's dialogue to be typed in on the keyboard. Responses from the other characters Gonch talks to will appear in the lower half of the screen, but you have to press the end-text key (key combination in the ZX version) to return the game to normal.
  • Exit Menu: Will abort the menu and return the game to normal; this option exists to return the game to normal if you wrongly brought the menu up.