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Automatic items[edit]

These items appear when regular enemies are defeated. You can stock up on them by collecting as many as you can, and they will be used automatically whenever they are needed.

Substitute dummy Golden Peacock
Perhaps one of the most vitally important items in the game, a supply of substitute dummies allows you to survive contact with enemies or terrain that would otherwise kill you. Collecting a large number of these will significantly increase your chances of getting far in the game. You earn three dummies for every tile you collect.
If you happen to drop off of a ledge and wind up falling into a pit at the bottom of the screen, you will be rescued by a golden peacock as long as you have one of these tiles. Once you are rescued, you can control the peacock for a few seconds and direct it to carry you wherever it is capable of flying to. When time is up, the peacock will disappear, and you will fall to the ground below.
Key Torch
Throughout each stage, you will encounter a series of doors. Each of these doors is locked, but you can obtain keys to open these doors by defeating enemies. Each key can only open one door. When you exit from the room, the door locks behind you. You can enter the same door again, but it will require another key.
The rooms beyond the locked doors are not always lit, and the makeup of the room will not be visible to you unless you have another source of light. Some defeated enemies will drop torches. Collect them in order to see inside the darkened room. You will automatically use one torch for every darkened room that you enter.
Protection Talisman
Later in the game, there will be enemies that aren't visible to you as you proceed through the stage. Each talisman will protect you from harm against these invisible enemies.

Selectable projectiles[edit]

Aside from the white orb, which you begin the game with, you must defeat bosses at the end of several stages in order to receive various other throwing objects available in the game.

White orb Red orb

You begin the game with the white orb projectile. It is the weakest of all the ranged weapons. It has no special strengths and average range.

The red orb has the ability to travel farther than the white orb. It will continue all the way to the edge of the screen. In addition, it will pass through enemies and continue to strike others along the way.

Snowball Fireball

The snowball projectile is especially effective against enemies who are fire or heat based. It will do three times as much damage to them as any other projectile. It is a weapon you will need when you first meet female assassins.

The fireball projectile if of course more effective against cold enemies. A fireball will cause three times as much damage to cold enemies as other projectiles will.

Thunderbolt Prayer beads

The thunderbolt projectile packs an incredible electric charge. As a result, any enemy wearing a good amount of metal armor will receive three times more damage than normal. You will need this weapon when you first encounter bowmen.

Some of your enemies are the animated dead. Normal weapons do no damage to them because they can't be killed. Only prayer beads can bind them and return them to the netherworld.

Ball of Light Air bubble

Enemies that dwell in dark caverns rely on senses other than sight to find and attack their enemies. These projectiles give off a bright light that harm cave dwellers three times more than usual.

Enemies that live underwater prefer liquid to gas. Bubbles of air will cause three time more damage to water enemies than other projectiles. This weapon is necessary to take down the jump kicking monks when you first meet them.

Telekinetic wave A Telekinetic wave B

When a warrior comes close to attaining enlightenment, they will be able to project a wave of telekinetic energy that strikes the enemy. This wave will do three times more damage than the white orb to all enemies.

The ultimate form of enlightenment, the telekinetic wave can be further enhanced to cause five times the normal amount of damage to any enemy that it strikes.

Immediate scrolls[edit]

Scrolls will appear instead of automatic items when an enemy is attacked in a particular way. As soon as you collect them, they go into effect for a limited period of time. Note that the effects of some scrolls take priority over others.

The art of Asura Dragon king transformation
Upon reading this scroll, you obtain the ability of a fighting demon, capable of expelling four projectiles from your being in four different directions. As you throw, your projectiles will alternate between the four cardinal directions, and the four diagonals.
One of the scrolls which grants invincibility, collecting this scroll will transform you into a dragon. As a dragon, you can freely fly around the screen in any direction you like. Although you can't directly attack enemies, any enemy that collides with you in this form is instantly killed.
Windmill slice Flying pace
A good warrior knows to swing his sword carefully and strike efficiently in order to avoid fatigue. However, upon reading this scroll, a warrior can swing his blade in a circular motion and never grow tired. Hold down B button to continuously swing your sword and strike down your enemies.
Users of this scroll will be granted the gift of great speed. Upon collecting this scroll, you will be able to run faster and fly forward through the air with more speed than usual. While the boost in speed is useful, remain cautious and do not allow yourself to run into danger.
Chibi reflections Falcon loop
Upon collecting this scroll, you will change from a warrior to a collection of four miniature versions of yourself which rotate around in a circle. You can continue to run and jump as normal, but you cannot attack. If you are struck by an enemy in this form, you will lose the chibi representations of yourself, one by one, until there is only one remaining, at which time you will return to normal.
Reading this scroll summons a falcon to your location. This falcon will hover just slightly above your head and fly back and forth. It will strike down any enemy that crosses its path. This is particularly useful to protect yourself from enemies that fly in from above.
The art of duplication The art of shadows
Another art that provides you with invincibility, the art of duplication causes to mirror image illusions to appear in your place. Both images can attack, and neither can be attacked. As the art wears on, the two illusions draw closer and closer together until they collapse back to your single self. Note that in order to collect items, the item must be directly between the two illusions.
The last art which provides you with invincibility, the art of shadows causes you to be followed by a trail of two shadow versions of yourself. Both shadows attack when you attack, and move when you move, although with a slight delay. You cannot be harmed while this art is in effect. Take advantage of the invulnerability that it provides you with.
Golden Buddha Floating Buddha
It is possible that a statue of Buddha is left behind instead of a scroll when an enemy is defeated. Collecting these golden Buddha statues will increase your score by 10,000 points.
This floating Buddha statue will reward you with one extra life, the means to obtain it is quite unusual. If you ever enter through a door to a large Buddha statue holding no item in the palm of his hand, try standing on top of the exit, and slash the wall with your sword five times. One such statue may or may not appear.

Special powers[edit]

Special powers are obtained from inside rooms behind locked doors. Either the item will be presented to you in the hands of a statue, or you must defeat a mini-boss to obtain it. You can store them up, and each use will use up one stock.

The art of flying The wind god's art
Activating the art of flight will permit you to fly throughout the screen in any direction you like. Unlike transforming into a dragon, you can activate this power whenever you choose, but you are still vulnerable to attack.
Commanding the power of a wind god, you can summon a large tornado which will sweep across the screen, and blow away any enemy that happens to lie in its path.
Protective spirit fire The art of sense containment
Using this art will cause a small fire spirit to orbit your body and protect you from harm. If an enemy is struck by the flame, it will suffer damage as if you attacked it. It is very useful to protect yourself from attacks from behind.
This very powerful art causes all enemies to lose sense of time or thought, and become frozen in space, making it easy to attack them, or escape from them. Use it when particularly dangerous and difficult to avoid enemies are present.
The art of escape The thunder god's art
When you enter a room behind a locked door, it will either contain a peaceful statue or an attacking demon. If you do not wish to risk your life in battle, use one of these items to instantly exit the room and return to the outside.
Another powerful art, this will draw upon the power of a thunder god to summon lightning that strikes down every enemy on the screen. However, you are forced to remain stationary during its use.
The art of clear observation The art of demon warding
Through the use of this art, you will be able to perceive that which is unperceivable. Enemies which are normally invisible can be seen during the duration of this spell.
This art summons a powerful aura that drives fear into the hearts of those who would attack you. Once this art has been activated, enemies will not appear on the screen for a limited period of time.
The art of aurora The art of violent misfortune
Through the use of this art, you can generate a giant wave of light, similar to the Aurora Borealis, which can be sent forth in the direction you are facing in order to attack the enemy. This wave can only be sent out in one direction at a time, but it does tremendous damage.
Using this art will cause all of the enemies around you to suffer tremendous damage. But doing so will come at great personal cost, and should only be used as a last resort. For every curse you use, you will lose one life. If you use it on your last life, you will end the game.