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Locating the Zone entrance[edit]

All of the remaining zones will require either the Air Helmet or the Jump Shoes, and since the Air Helmet is required in order to get the Jump Shoes, it's time to collect the Air Helmet. To do so, you'll need to venture back to he first floor, and visit the door to the left of the fireplace, door D. However, even though the Zone Detector detects a zone entrance in this room, this is not the zone we want to visit. That zone is actually next door. But a wall lies between door D and door E. Try hitting the west wall of room D. You should find a point where you can break a hole in the wall and go through to reach room E.

Room D[edit]

As mentioned above, Room D is to the left of the fireplace on the first floor. And the zone entrance that you find here is not one that you should attempt at this time, since it requires the Air Helmet. Instead, explore the room and collect the gun from the east wall and the potion from the west wall. Then start hitting the wall until you punch a hole through it just above and to the left of the seat in the room. Pass through it to reach Room E.

Room E[edit]

After passing through the hole in the wall of Room D, you will be facing the west side of Room E. You can use this door to enter room F, but you can also face south and take the door to the small hallway that also connects with Room F. For now, pick up the grenade on the couch along the south wall, and then face north and enter Zone 3

Into Zone 3[edit]

As soon as you arrive in Zone 3, run all the way to the right and ignore the first ladder. You can take a detour to upper floors, but there is nothing to collect.

Once you pass through that area, you can proceed to the right as normal. Unlike the previous two zones, you don't need to remain atop the highest platforms in order to proceed, although there are a couple of points where you will have no choice but to climb off the floor. Winged demons will fly out and attack, and once again, they should be your top priority when it comes to dispatching enemies.

Once you pass the mid-point of the zone, hop along the small platforms to make it over the wall that blocks your progress. After that, you have a choice. You can stick to the high platforms and continue to the right, or you can walk along the floor until you reach the third ladder. You cannot reach the boss from the floor level, so you must climb this ladder and return to the left to find the ladder which leads to the highest platform.

Along the way, you will encounter more winged demons and the large beast enemy. While you can avoid dealing with the beast if it is stuck along the floor, you should try to take care of the demons as soon as they appear. Remember that if more than one appears on the screen, you can remove them all with one grenade, although you will lose 5 hit points in the process.


The boss of the third zone is some kind of large multi-legged insect. All that it can do is run back and forth along the bottom of the room, but it can do so quite quickly after charging up for a second. You're only defense against its charge is the ladder in the center of the room. This boss is guarding the item you came for: the Air Helmet. Defeating it will also earn you a third piece of the laser gun.

The best strategy to use against the boss is to remain in the center of the room below the ladder. You can shoot the boss once or twice before it begins to charge across the floor. At that time, jump up and grab the ladder and let the boss rush beneath you. Then drop back down and repeat the process. It takes about twenty shots to kill the boss, so be prepared to repeat the pattern quite a number of times before it's defeated. Then start making your way back to the entrance of the zone to continue the game.