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Clearance Items[edit]

Item Name Description
Sacred Treasures There are five sacred treasures. They are obtained from a particular treasure chest in each ruin. A different treasure is required to access each of the five hidden rooms that contain a piece of the Aura Star, but the item you collect in a ruin may not be the item required by that particular ruin, so you may need to revisit different ruins to use each treasure properly.
Aura Star Piece The Aura Star that protected the kingdom of Balubalouk has been broken into five pieces. In order to rescue the kingdom and complete the game, you must collect and assemble the five pieces and present them to the princess locked away in the final ruin. In order to collect these pieces, you must a) possess the sacred treasure that corresponds to the ruin you are trying to locate the secret room of, and b) know the location in each ruin where you must jump three times to reveal the secret entrance.

Enemy Items[edit]

Item Name Description
Gold Bag When an enemy is killed, it will typically leave behind a bag that contains two pieces of gold. Collect them to build your wealth, and use the gold to purchase necessary Magic Keys to escape from ruins that don't contain any in treasure chests.
Key Sometimes when an enemy is killed, they will leave a key behind. This occurs less frequently than bags of gold, but keys are needed to open treasure chests, so collect as many as you can find.

Treasure Items[edit]

Item Name Description
Magic Key The Magic Key is a requirement to escaping from each ruin. In some ruins, the Magic Key can be found inside a treasure chest. In other ruins, the key must be purchased from a merchant. In either case, you will not be able to escape from the final room of a ruin, no matter how many enemies you kill, if you do not possess this key.
Life Star Some treasure chests contain a star which you can collect for one extra life.
Tablet The tablet is an information item that only certain old men inhabiting the ruins can read. They provide hints on how to progress through the game. Since the game is in Japanese, the old men can only help you if you understand Japanese. Therefore, do not bother to pick them up if you cannot read Japanese.
Parchment Parchments contain ancient documents that only certain old women inhabiting the ruins can read. They provide hints on how to progress through the game. Since the game is in Japanese, the old women can only help you if you understand Japanese. Therefore, do not bother to pick them up if you cannot read Japanese.
Gold Statue Gold statues are ancient items that do not serve a particular purpose in the game, other than to sell them to merchants for their worth in gold. This can be a time saving measure if you need to buy a Magic Key and are having trouble collecting gold from enemies.

Power Items[edit]

Item Name Description
Demon Seal The Demon Seal is one of two items that you may store. You may only store this or the Numbness Medicine at one time. You may not store more than the number of Aura Star pieces you have collected, but you may always store at least one. The Demon Seal will spray bullets around the room in a circular fashion for a few seconds, killing every enemy that it hits. Press A button+B button to activate one.
Numbness Medicine The Numbness Medicine is the other of two items that you may store. Like the Demon Seal, you may not store more than the number of Aura Star pieces you have collected, but you may always store at least one. The Numbness Medicine surrounds Jason with an orbiting orb that will stun every enemy that it comes in contact with. Stunned enemies can sometimes be killed, but not always. Press A button+B button to activate one.
Baluba's Precious Article Baluba's Precious Article is a helmet that will grant Jason with temporary invincibility. When he touches it, he will begin to blink, and he can kill any enemy by crashing into them. It will only last a few seconds, and Jason will become vulnerable as soon as it ends, so be careful.