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Caution! This page contains all the hints and solutions for every puzzle from 126 to 153. Scroll carefully or you might spoil the answer of a puzzle for yourself. The solutions are hidden behind spoiler tags, so only take a peek if you're desperate.

Puzzle 126[edit]

Name: Ten-Step Solution
Trigger: Check the generator
Location: Generator
Chapter: 13
Picarats: 50

Description: To crack this security lock, you'll need to swap blocks A and B in 10 moves or fewer. You can move any piece anywhere in any direction as long as it will fit. Now, get started!

  • Hint 1: It wouldn't be a tough puzzle if all you had to do was simply swap them. First just try moving things around, then when you can't move any more, think about how many more steps would have been required.
  • Hint 2: You'll definitely run out of moves if you keep switching between moving A and B. At some point, you're going to need to swap A and B in one fell swoop.
  • Hint 3: It doesn't matter if you start with A or B, but here's the instructions for A: slide the second block from the top over to the left, and move A down to the right of the third block. Then move the second block all the way to the right, and slide the third block up and to the left of it. The rest is up to you!
  • Super Hint: Continuing on from Hint Three, move B to the left side of the row that A is in. You can now move A into its target slot. All that's left is to use the last four moves to get B into its target slot. You can do it!
Move the second block left, then move A down to the right of the third block. Move the second block all the way to the right, then move the third block left and up. Move B up and left into the corner under the second row, then move A into its target slot. Move B all the way to the right, then move the left block in the second row down. Move the block in the second row all the way left, then move B into its target slot to complete the puzzle in exactly 10 steps.

Puzzle 127[edit]

Name: A Real Heart Swapper
Trigger: Check the prime minister
Location: Generator
Chapter: 13
Picarats: 70

Description: There are two long wires connecting a monitoring device to the prime minister's heart sensor! Can you swap the wires connected to the pocket watch with the wires connected to the monitoring device in a single move? Swap only two blocks to connect the wires from the monitoring device at the top of the screen below to the pocket watch at the bottom right. Give it your best shot!

  • Hint 1: You need to move a pair of blocks in one single swap. First, take a look at how all of the wires are connected. Find the wires connecting the monitoring device (upper right) to the prime minister's heart sensor (lower left).
  • Hint 2: Take note that the two wires leading from the pocket watch in the lower-right corner connect it in the middle. Pay close attention to this path.
  • Hint 3: Have you noticed that only certain blocks can be swapped with each other and still connect? Keep an eye out for blocks that have matching wire entry and exit points.
  • Super Hint: The two blocks are both in the third row. Look carefully.
Swap the two blocks in the middle row that is touching the center block.

Puzzle 128[edit]

Name: Reverse Rotation
Trigger: Check the generator
Location: Generator
Chapter: Epilogue
Picarats: 80

Description: A system of gears is shown below. Gear A turns in the direction of its red arrow, which currently causes gear B to turn in the direction of its red arrow. One group of gears connecting gears A and B is labeled A. This group can be moved and rotated with your stylus, along with groups b and c below it. Utilize these groups to alter the system so that gear B turns in the direction of its green arrow. You don't necessarily need to use all of the groups, however.

  • Hint 1: The gears can't function properly if they're overlapping, so don't both trying to stack any of them.
  • Hint 2: If you link an odd number of gears between two main gears, the two main gears will rotate in the same direction. Conversely, an even number of gears linked between two main gears will cause the two main gears to rotate in the opposite direction. There are a lot of gears to count in this puzzle, but try adding them up!
  • Hint 3: You don't need to use gear group a. Try working groups b and c into the system.
  • Super Hint: Place gear group c into group a's original slot. Then rotate group b 180 degrees, and place it...somewhere.
Place the gears according to the screenshot.

Puzzle 129[edit]

Name: Block Blockade
Trigger: Automatic
Location: Fortress Door
Chapter: Epilogue
Picarats: 70

Description: Your escape route is blocks! Luckily, you have five bombs at your disposal. Each bomb will completely destroy the block it's placed on. Remaining blocks will fall into empty spaces created below them by destroyed blocks, but they won't change shape. Place your five bombs on the five blocks that, when destroyed, will leave behind a flat surface you can drive across. Then push that button!

  • Hint 1: There are five specific blocks you need to destroy. Don't worry about making a mistake, though. You can try again as many times as you want, so just have fun blowing stuff up! You're bound to figure it out eventually.
  • Hint 2: If you look closely, you'll notice that the blocks are made up of evenly sized squares. Also, the pit is five squares deep. Start your thinking from here.
  • Hint 3: There are three blocks on the bottom row. You need to destroy the one on the left and the one on the right. Leave the middle block intact.
  • Super Hint: Do not destroy the square block in the upper right of the stack.
Destroy the left and right blocks in the bottom row as well as the three center blocks in the middle row.

Puzzle 130[edit]

Name: The Final Puzzle
Trigger: Automatic
Location: Layton's Office
Chapter: Epilogue
Picarats: 30

Description: "Look! I made myself a wax stamp! It's like the one you use to seal your important envelopes and documents, except it looks like my hat and the L stands for Luke! I've already used it once. See? Isn't the blue wax neat? It matches my hat! Anyway, here's my puzzle: of the four examples, A, B, C, and D, which one is my actual stamp? Circle your answer."

  • Hint 1: Keep in mind that a stamp will print a mirror image of its actual design.
  • Hint 2: The stamps are all circular, so pay close attention to what's inside: the outline of a hat and an L. First off, take a look at the direction the L is facing...
  • Hint 3: Stamp B is the only one that doesn't have the L correctly reversed, so you can eliminate that option. Now look closely at the hat shape of stamps A, C, and D.
  • Super Hint: The top part of the hat shape in stamp A is touching the outer circle, so you can safely eliminate that option. It's just between stamps C and D now!
The correct stamp is C.

Puzzle 131[edit]

Name: A Pricey Pen (US) / The Price of the Pen (EU)
Trigger: Talk to Becky
Location: Hotel Lobby
Chapter: 10
Picarats: 30

Description: "I bought this beautiful, one-of-a-kind pen from a luxury boutique for 10% off the original price of only $3,000! When I showed it to my friend, she took one look and just had to have it! She offered to pay me 10% more than what I'd paid. I love the pen, but I couldn't say no! Overall, how much did I gain or lose by selling the pen to my friend?" Be sure to put a minus sign (-) in front of your answer in the case of a loss.

  • Hint 1: There are often traps in puzzles that use a lot of text to describe a fairly simple problem. This is one of those. None of the information given is wrong, but there are some details meant to confuse you.
  • Hint 2: How much did the woman originally buy the fountain pen for? If you focus on that, you'll be on the right track.
  • Hint 3: The woman bought the fountain pen from the boutique for 10% off the original price. This has no bearing on whether or not she made a profit by selling it to her friend. Her friend offered her 10% more than what she paid for the pen, so she's definitely going to make a profit.
  • Super Hint: The woman bought the pen from the boutique for $2,700 and sold it to her friend for $2,970. Now just figure out how much of a profit she made. Don't worry at all about the original discount.
She gained $270.

Puzzle 132[edit]

Name: Calendar Collage
Trigger: Talk to Max
Location: Arcade Entrance
Chapter: 10
Picarats: 40

Description: In the middle of the wall below is the last page of a 12-month calendar. The previous 11 pages were once pasted on this same wall, as you can see by the tattered remains still stuck everywhere. Why is it such a mess? Well, when each new month arrived, somebody ripped off the old month's page and pasted the new one on top of it without bothering to line up the edges at all. Sloppy work, huh? Which month's page is the arrow pointing at? Answer with a number, for example January = 1, February = 2, and so on.

  • Hint 1: You'll figure out the right answer if you look very carefully at how the remains overlap each other. The earlier the month, the closer to the bottom its page was pasted.
  • Hint 2: The complete calendar page on top, of course, is December, the twelfth month of the year. Try and figure out where in the stack the page that the arrow is pointing at was pasted. It looks like it was quite a while ago...
  • Hint 3: Track the order of the pages that are pasted on top of the one directly on top of the one that the arrow is pointing to. If you follow along closely, you should find an answer you're confident of.
  • Super Hint: The answer is both the farthest month from December and the closest, depending on how you think about it.
The page the arrow was pointing to displayed the month of January, page 1.

Puzzle 133[edit]

Name: The Two Necklaces
Trigger: Talk to Segal
Location: Black Market
Chapter: 12
Picarats: 30

Description: Below are two necklaces, a gold one on the left and a silver one on the right. By sliding the blocks around, can you get them to switch sides?

  • Hint 1: You need to switch the silver necklace over to the left side and the gold necklace over to the right. Did you notice there are two empty slots to work with? This should make things fairly easy. If you keep moving those blocks around, you'll see!
  • Hint 2: Unlike most of the slide puzzles you've probably seen, this one has two empty slots. If you take advantage of them both, switching the necklaces is actually pretty simple.
  • Hint 3: The key is to not worry about the position of the individual pieces but rather to simply switch all the blocks of each necklace to the opposite side. After you've done that, you can deal with reassembling each necklace. Give it another try. You can do it! Even if you decide to use the Super Hint, we won't tell you exactly how to solve it...
  • Super Hint: You couldn't resist, could you? OK, then. Switching the necklaces around is easy if you utilize both of the open spaces. If you keep the two open spaces above, below, or to the side of the two blocks you want to reposition, you should have no problem maneuvering them around one another. Give it a try! You'll see.
Slide a red block down, then slide a red block left. Slide a red block up, then slide a blue block left. Slide a blue block left, then slide a blue block down. Slide the lower blue block right, then slide a red block right. Slide a red block right, then slide a red block up. Slide a blue block left, then slide a blue block left. Slide a red block down, then slide a blue block right. Slide a blue block up, then slide the lower blue block left. Slide a blue block up, then slide the lower red block right. Slide the lower blue block down, then slide the lower red block right and up. Slide the right blue block up and left, then slide a red block two spaces down. Slide a red block right, then slide a red block right. Slide the left red block up, then slide the left blue block left. Slide the left red block down, then slide the right red block down. Slide a red block two spaces right, then slide a red block up and left. Slide the lower red block left and up, then slide a blue block two spaces left. Slide a red block up and right, then slide a red block two spaces down. Slide a red block right and down, then slide a blue block down and left. Slide a blue block left and down, then slide a red block two spaces right. Slide a red block two spaces right, then slide a red block up and right. Slide a blue block left, then slide a blue block left. Slide a red block down, then slide a red block right. Slide a blue block up and left, then slide a red block left and up. Slide a blue block two spaces left, then slide a red block up and right. Slide a red block down one space, then slide a red block right. Slide a red block up to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle 134[edit]

Name: A Question of Taste
Trigger: Talk to Rosetta
Location: Gresenheller U
Chapter: 6
Picarats: 30

Description: Professor Layton and Luke are chatting in a clothing store: "You know, Luke...there's something here that really appeals to me. I think I might just try and negotiate a purchase!" What has caught Professor Layton's eye?

  • Hint 1: Well, for starters, Professor Layton isn't really into clothes...
  • Hint 2: Something Professor Layton likes is hidden among the clothes...
  • Hint 3: Well, we all know how much Professor Layton loves puzzles. So, look around for something puzzlelike...
  • Super Hint: Professor Layton loves his puzzle. A symbol for puzzles is hidden somewhere.
C is the one. Layton noticed its hanger looks like a question mark.

Puzzle 135[edit]

Name: Four Jams (US) / Jam Weight (EU)
Trigger: Talk to Alfie
Location: Anita's Place
Chapter: 6
Picarats: 25

Description: Four types of jam are combined into pairs and placed in the four boxes below. Use the scale below to determine the relative weight of each type of jam, and label them from lightest to heaviest, 1 to 4.

  • Hint 1: Identify the boxes that share a jam with each other. By weighing these boxes together, you can compare the weight of the two jams that aren't the same.
  • Hint 2: Try comparing the red/blue box with the red/green box. You should be able to identify whether the blue jam is heavier than the green jam or vice versa.
  • Hint 3: Continuing on from Hint Two, try to figure out the weight of the red jam. To do so, compare the weight of the red/green box with the blue/green box. You should find that blue > green > red.
  • Super Hint: Thinking of red, green, and blue as 1, 2, and 3 temporarily (lightest to heaviest), you'll find that the yellow/yellow box and the blue/green box are equal in weight. This means that the two yellow jams equal 3 + 2 (the relative weights of the blue and green jams). In other words, one yellow jam has a weight of 2.5. If you fit that into what you know about the rest, you're done!
Red is 1, blue is 4, green is 2, yellow is 3.

Puzzle 136[edit]

Name: Destination Station
Trigger: Talk to Marzano
Location: Warehouse Area
Chapter: 12
Picarats: 30

Description: "See the line of trains heading down? I bet I can guess exactly which station that complete stranger is going to get off the train at." Which train is this stranger riding? Circle your answer, A, B, C, or D, and then tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: You're not overthinking it, are you? If you were riding the same train as the young lad, you would know the answer.
  • Hint 2: If there's only one possible station for everybody left on a certain train to get off at, well, it would be pretty easy to guess somebody's stop, right?
  • Hint 3: Out of the four trains, which one might stop at only one station?
  • Super Hint: If a train is coming up to the last station on the line, you know for sure that all the passengers will get off at the next stop. Yes, it's that simple!
Train D

Puzzle 137[edit]

Name: Pieces of Chocolate (US) / Choc-hole-ate (EU)
Trigger: Talk to Minnie
Location: Southern Street
Chapter: 6
Picarats: 30

Description: A 5 x 10 centimeter chocolate bar has a 5 x 1 centimeter piece broken off the right side, as shown in the image below. How many more 5 x 1 centimeter pieces can you break off of the remaining chocolate bar? Also, there's a 5-milimeter hole in the bar 1 centimeter in from the left side and 2.5 centimeters up from the bottom. Any piece that has even a tiny bit of this hole in it can't be included in your answer.

  • Hint 1: Break up the remaining chocolate bar into equal pieces. If you make each piece identical to the first piece, you'll end up with nine more pieces.
  • Hint 2: If you break the remaining chocolate bar into nine equal pieces in the same vertical manner as the first piece, you'll end up with two pieces on the left side with pieces of the hole in them. So that's 9 - 2 = 7, right? Nope. You can do better. Try looking at it from a different angle.
  • Hint 3: You don't have to break off all of the remaining pieces in the same way as the first one. Try breaking the pieces off horizontally from the left side of the chocolate bar.
  • Super Hint: You can get rid of the entire hole in just one piece. If you do that, how many are left? That's your answer.
8 more pieces.

Puzzle 138[edit]

Name: Quirky Clockwork
Trigger: Talk to Harold
Location: Casino Lobby
Chapter: 10
Picarats: 30

Description: This fancy analog watch features a small window at the bottom that displays the days of the month, as seen in the three examples below. Out of the three numbers, shown in examples A, B, and C, which would be impossible to ever actually see on this watch?

  • Hint 1: All the days of the month are listed in order on a round dial inside the watch. When the date changes over, however, a date that doesn't exist could appear...
  • Hint 2: Two of the three examples show the date just as it's changing over from one day to the next. Think about how two of these numbers are possible, and see if you can figure out why one of them isn't.
  • Hint 3: Keep in mind that each day of the month is listed in order on a rotating dial inside the watch. So at midnight, when the 19th switches over to the 20th, you would see the number 92 displayed for a few moments.
  • Super Hint: The number 93 in example B shows the date as the 29th switching over to the 30th at midnight. By the way, there's no 40th of the month...
Example C is impossible to see.

Puzzle 139[edit]

Name: Bricks 'n' Bullion
Trigger: Talk to Inspector Chelmey
Location: Flatstone St. 2
Chapter: 7
Picarats: 50

Description: A rowdy band of thieves was apprehended just before they could execute their boss's orders: "These here 10 bards o' gold will fit right into that there brick wall. Nobody'll be the wiser! We'll stash 'em here til' the heat dies down. Oh, I almost done forgot the most important part: Don't go puttin' no bigger bars on toppa any littler ones. Sound like a plan, boys? Now git to it!" Are these orders even possible? Place the gold bars in the wall and find out!

  • Hint 1: Stacking gold bars of the same size on top of each other is perfectly fine.
  • Hint 2: The biggest gold bar goes on the very bottom all the way to the right.
  • Hint 3: Three of the smaller bars go side by side along the very top.
  • Super Hint: See the two bricks that form the base of the top-left corner space? Place a gold bar equal in length to those two bricks on top of them. The rest should come together pretty easily now.
Arrange the bars according to the screenshot.

Puzzle 140[edit]

Name: The Ripple Effect
Trigger: Talk to Marzano
Location: Warehouse Area
Chapter: 12
Picarats: 25

Description: The image below is the photograph of the surface of the pond a few moments after somebody threw in a handful of pebbles. Assuming no pebbles landed in the exact same spot, how many pebbles were thrown? All of the ripples captured in the photo came from pebbles.

  • Hint 1: Ripples that have the same center all came from the same pebble, no matter what size they are.
  • Hint 2: Here's another way to think about Hint One: the number of pebbles thrown into the pond is equal to the number of center points.
  • Hint 3: If you think that only four pebbles were thrown in, take a closer look. Have you noticed the largest ripple, for example?
  • Super Hint: The largest ripple runs from top to bottom through the middle of the photo. It's easy to mistake it from a ripple coming from the pebble that landed in the lower-left corner, but in fact it has a different center. Now, are there any more?
There were 6 pebbles thrown.

Puzzle 141[edit]

Name: A Roll of the Die
Trigger: Talk to Mark
Location: Casino Floor
Chapter: 10
Picarats: 35

Description: A special die has been made according to the layout shown at the top-right corner. This die will roll one side at a time along the path of white squares, leaving behind a stamp of each image that touches down. Starting off as shown below, the die will roll onto the first square and stamp it with an upside-down heart. Which image will the die stamp on the final square marked with a question mark? Slide one of the three shapes onto the ?. Rotate a shape by grabbing its corner and sliding it in a circle.

  • Hint 1: Take another look at the die's layout at the top-right corner. Did you notice there are red hearts on opposite sides?
  • Hint 2: The green circle and the blue diamond look the same no matter which direction they're facing. It's the direction of the red heart that you need to pay close attention to.
  • Hint 3: The second roll of the die will stamp a blue diamond, and the front and back of the die will face two hearts, facing in opposite directions. As the die then moves along the path to the right, the diamond and circle will alternate on the bottom, and the heart will rotate as the die rolls. Picture this in your mind, and see if you can figure out what happens next.
  • Super Hint: The correct shape is the red heart. But that's not all there is to it. Think about which direction it will face. It won't be right-side up.
It's the heart image rotated 180 degrees.

Puzzle 142[edit]

Name: The Marked Cup
Trigger: Talk to Mark
Location: Casino Floor
Chapter: 12
Picarats: 30

Description: As seen in the upper-left image below, you placed three identical paper cups on the table and secretly marked the middle one, as shown by the small blue arrow. You then closed your eyes and told your friend, "Hide a coin under one of the cups and switch the places of the other two." When you reopened your eyes, the cups were rearranged as seen below. Which one, A, B, or C, has the coin hidden beneath it?

  • Hint 1: Which cup didn't move?
  • Hint 2: The marked cup moved.
  • Hint 3: The marked cup moved from the middle position over to the right.
  • Super Hint: The marked cup started in the middle position and switched places with the one on the right. So then, where is that coin?
The coin is in cup A.

Puzzle 143[edit]

Name: Double Digits (US) / Boards into Numbers (EU)
Trigger: Talk to Art
Location: Clock Shop Front
Chapter: 10
Picarats: 40

Description: The board below can be cut into two identically shaped pieces that also look like the shape of a number. You can only make one continuous cut along the dotted lines. And of course, you need to use every part of the board in your answer. How should the board be cut?

  • Hint 1: If there weren't those two squares sticking out, you could cut the board in half vertically and make two wide ones. But that's not what you're looking for.
  • Hint 2: You're not looking for twos or fives, either. The key is to figure out how to incorporate each of the two squares sticking out into the shape of a number.
  • Hint 3: You're not looking for sixes or nines, either. To make a number with a hole in it, you'd have to use a lot more squares than you have here.
  • Super Hint: One shape you're looking for is the number right-side up. The other one is the number upside-down. It's not two threes...
Cut the board into two fours according to the screenshot.

Puzzle 144[edit]

Name: Mr. 8:20
Trigger: Check the fountain repeatedly
Location: Casino Entrance
Chapter: 2
Picarats: 20

Description: One of the five people shown below has a very unique nickname: "Mr. 8:20". Pretty weird, huh? Well, apparently everybody who sees this person and hears the nickname think it's just perfect! Well then, who is "Mr. 8:20"? Circle your answer, then tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: "Mr. 8:20" refers to something about the person's appearance.
  • Hint 2: Don't worry about what the people are wearing, because they can always change their clothes. No matter what time you see this person, it's 8:20...
  • Hint 3: It's so simple, you might have missed it: if this person's nickname is "mister," well, it must be... A man!
  • Super Hint: Pay close attention to each face. Somebody looks like 8:20. Well, 8:20 on an analog clock, that is...
E, due to his mustache.

Puzzle 145[edit]

Name: Time Cards
Trigger: Examine the river repeatedly
Location: Thames Arms
Chapter: 08
Picarats: 30

Description: The four cards used below, zero, one, two, and six, can be used to display different times of the day, as seen in the example 02:16. If using a 24-hour clock, how many different actual times can be created by rearranging the four cards? You must use all four cards to display each time. The cards can't be overlapped.

  • Hint 1: Just to be clear, in terms of times of day as displayed in this puzzle:
    • There are up to 23 hours.
    • There are up to 59 minutes.
  • Hint 2: There's one card that can actually display two different numbers!
  • Hint 3: The six card can be flipped and used as a nine! Better count those times again.
  • Super Hint: The earliest times you can display is 01:26. The latest is 21:09. Be careful not to overlook any combinations. Also, be wary of times that don't actually exist.
There are a total of 20 different possible times.

Puzzle 146[edit]

Name: Birds on a Wire
Trigger: Check the tree repeatedly
Location: Green Hospital
Chapter: 1
Picarats: 15

Description: "Hey there, I'm trying to shoo the birds away from these power lines. Each time I clap my hands, half of them fly away, but one always comes back! This pattern never fails. Even if I stand here clapping my hands all day, the number of birds always ends up right back where it started!" So, how many birds were on the power lines to start with?

  • Hint 1: This puzzle is actually quite simple.
  • Hint 2: The woman is explaining something quite simple in an overly complicated way...
  • Hint 3: Half the birds fly away, and one comes back. Then half the birds fly away again, then one comes back again. And so forth, and so forth. But the number of birds always ends up the same as it started. The answer is so simple, you don't even need to calculate anything.
  • Super Hint: The phrase "half of them fly away" is the tricky part. In this puzzle, "half" is only referring to one bird! Get it now?
There are 2 birds from the start.

Puzzle 147[edit]

Name: Paving the Garden (US) / Paving the Way (EU)
Trigger: Check the red brick structure repeatedly
Location: Shady Grove
Chapter: 3
Picarats: 20

Description: You want to lay one of the five types of paving stones below around your garden without them overlapping each other or any of the four white flower bushes. You can rotate the stones, but they can't be flipped. Which one should you use, A, B, C, D, or E? Tap your answer.

  • Hint 1: Start by filling in the corners of the garden with a stone of your choice, then work your way in. You can rule out any stones that can't neatly fill all the open space in the garden.
  • Hint 2: No matter how you arrange them, you can only fit three of stone C and it will always leave one square uncovered. So C isn't the answer.
  • Hint 3: D is quite a unique shape, and you can only fit two of them in your space. So D also isn't the answer.
  • Super Hint: The answer is either stone A, B, or E. As mentioned in Hint One, if you start from the corners can work your way in, filling in as many stones as you can, you should find the answer in no time. You can't fit more then four of any of the stones.
You should use stone E.

Puzzle 148[edit]

Name: Matchstick Math (US) / Mathematchsticks (EU)
Trigger: Examine the top of the left tree repeatedly
Location: Azure Avenue
Chapter: 7
Picarats: 25

Description: The math equation below is written in matchsticks! Read as Roman numerals, it means 1 + 11 = 10. To make this a valid equation, what's the fewest number matches that you need to move?

  • Hint 1: Here's a Roman-numeral primer: I = 1, II = 2, and III = 3. IIII, however, does not equal four. IV = 4 and V = 5, so the I in front of the V means one less than five. VI = 6, VII = 7, and VIII = 8. IX = 9, X = 10, and XI = 11.
  • Hint 2: The answer should reveal itself if you understand Hint One and you're willing to look at things from various points of view.
  • Hint 3: As mentioned in Hint Two, it's important to "look at things from various points of view." In other words, don't be afraid to turn this problem on its head...
  • Super Hint: Flip the equation upside down. Well, would you look at that! You don't need to move any matches at all. The equation is completely valid as is!
0. You only need to flip the equation 180 degrees.

Puzzle 149[edit]

Name: Strange Symbols
Trigger: Check the leftmost locker
Location: Casino Storage
Chapter: 2
Picarats: 30

Description: Below are three strange symbols, A, B, and C. If A is 63 and B is 89, what number is C? It's also a two-digit number...

  • Hint 1: Think about the relation between the symbols and the numbers given. If you use the Memo function to write down the numbers you know, you might just get it. Try drawing slightly angular numbers.
  • Hint 2: Tilt your head to the left, and take another look. Notice anything new when you look at the symbols now?
  • Hint 3: Open the Memo function, and fill in the space around the colored sections of each symbol. Then use an eraser to clear a horizontal line straight through the middle of each symbol. You should see what's going on now.
  • Super Hint: After completing Hint Three, turn each symbol 90 degrees to the right. Can you see the digits now?
C is 52.

Puzzle 150[edit]

Name: Half as Old
Trigger: Check the pool of water repeatedly
Location: Service Entrance
Chapter: 11
Picarats: 15

Description: Two sisters are talking about their ages: "One year ago, I was exactly half as old as you," said the younger one. The older sister replies: "Even one year from now, you age will be half my age. Here, look, if we split the number into two parts, top and bottom, the both give your age in a year's time." "Hey, you're right. That's really cool!" How old is the little sister?

  • Hint 1: Don't worry about their ages one year ago. The key is what their ages will be one year from now. Think about what it means to divide a number into a top and bottom half.
  • Hint 2: Have you figured out what it means to split the numbers into two parts, top and bottom? From zero to nine, the only numbers that retain a numerical meaning even when they're cut in half are one and eight.
  • Hint 3: If one year from now the older sister is one year old, the younger sister will also be one, so this can't be right. If a year from now the older sister is eight years old, the younger sister will be zero, so this also can't be right. It also doesn't work for 81 or 88...
  • Super Hint: From Hint Three, you learned that one year from now the older sister will have to be either 11 or 18. If she's 11, when you divide an 11 into a top and bottom half, you still get an 11, so this doesn't work. The only option left is the oldest sister being 18 one year from now. Now all you have to do is figure out the little sister's current age.
The younger sister is 9 years old.

Puzzle 151[edit]

Name: A Difference of 39
Trigger: Check the clock at the top of the window repeatedly
Location: The Boss' Room
Chapter: 9
Picarats: 15

Description: Touching the squares on the scoreboard below will turn them from white to green. Both sides are currently displaying 58, but Luke and Professor Layton are planning to each touch one square and create two different numbers. The difference between the two numbers will be 39. What are those two numbers?

  • Hint 1: What squares can you touch to make a new number out of the old one? Think about both numbers--the five and the eight.
  • Hint 2: You can make a six and a nine out of a five by changing one square.
  • Hint 3: You can make a zero, a six, and a nine out of an eight by changing one square. Now it's just a matter of finding the difference between the two numbers.
  • Super Hint: One of the correct numbers is 50, 56, or 59. Now try doing the math.
The two numbers are 59 and 98.

Puzzle 152[edit]

Name: Cluttered Cans
Trigger: Check the river repeatedly
Location: Iron Bridge
Chapter: 3
Picarats: 30

Description: Three canned-food products are randomly stacked up. You need to rearrange them into stacks of the same product. However, if you want to move a can that has cans on top of it, you have to move them all at once. Also, you can't have more then six cans stacked up at a time. Sounds easy, right? more thing. You have to do it in six moves or fewer.

  • Hint 1: If you plan your moves carefully, it shouldn't be too hard. Here's a clue to get you started: Your first move involves moving two cans at the same time. But which ones?
  • Hint 2: Grab the can of peaches from the middle stack and move it over to the left. There's just a single can of fish in the middle now. Hmm... Well, why not move the can of fish from the right stack onto the stack in the middle?
  • Hint 3: Continuing on from Hint Two, if you grab the can of fish from the left stack and move it onto the two you've got stacked in the middle, then you'll have all three cans of fish together. Nice! Now then, what's next?
  • Super Hint: Continuing on from Hint Three, move the can of cherries from the right stack to the left stack. Then move the cherries from the middle stack to the left. Almost done now, you can do it!
Move two cans from the middle stack to the left stack, then move one can from the right stack to the middle stack. Move four cans from the left stack to the middle stack, then move one can from the right stack to the left stack. Move one can from the middle stack to the left stack, then move two cans from the middle stack to the right stack to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle 153[edit]

Name: An Extra Block
Trigger: Examine the door in the left wall repeatedly
Location: Chinatown Gate
Chapter: 3
Picarats: 30

Description: The green frame and six orange blocks below are all composed of identical equilateral triangles. The frame can be perfectly filled using five of the six blocks. The blocks can be flipped and rotated in any direction to fit into the frame. Circle the one block that isn't used!

  • Hint 1: Don't be confused by the complex shapes of the blocks! Try comparing the frame and the blocks from a different perspective.
  • Hint 2: Filling in the frame with the correct five shapes can be pretty tricky. But there's way to identify the surplus block without worrying about the shapes at all!
  • Hint 3: The frame and blocks are all composed of identical equilateral triangles. If you compare the number of triangles in the frame to the number of triangles used to create all six of the blocks, well then...
  • Super Hint: The frame is composed of 22 triangles. Together, the six blocks are composed of 24 triangles. So there are two too many triangles in the blocks. Which means...
The block that consists of two triangles is unused.