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These puzzles are downloaded using the Nintendo DS's wifi feature so that players can enjoy additional content after finishing everything the base game has to offer. Each puzzle has no picarat value, only one hint and is generally less difficult than most of the puzzles from the latter half of the game.

Caution! This guide contains information about each puzzle including all three hints and the correct answer. If you do not want to see the solution to a puzzle and spoil the fun of figuring it out, scroll down carefully. The answers are hidden within the spoiler tags, so don't peek in them unless you're really stuck!

Puzzle w01[edit]

Name: Ten-Cent Increments (US) / Puzzling Postage (UK)

Description: Below are 10 stamps with values of 10 cents, 100 cents (one dollar), and every 10-cent increment in between. Your task is to purchase the four stamps that, when used in any combination, can create every 10-cent increment from 10 up to the highest possible value. The examples below show four potential combinations, but not the answer. Which four stamps should you buy?

  • Hint 1: The highest possible value you'll be able to create with the correct four stamps is 150. That's using all four stamps, of course, so which four would that be?

Buy the 10, 20, 40 and 80 stamps.

Puzzle w02[edit]

Name: Sporting Goods (US) / Sports Equipment (UK)

Description: Looking at the sports equipment shown below, an extremely gifted athlete in the group made the following comment: "I'm skilled with all of these, but there's one that wouldn't allow me to perform at my absolute best." What could this athlete be talking about? Check the correct item, then tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: Think about how you hold and swing both a golf club and a baseball bat.

The gold club. It is the only item that cannot be used for both right-handed people and left-handed people

Puzzle w03[edit]

Name: A Dicey Treasure Map

Description: A treasure is buried beneath the far-left square of the six blank squares below. Place the six dice panels on the blank squares in a way that will reveal the hidden treasure's location to anyone.

  • Hint 1: Place the most eye-catching dice panel above the hidden treasure's location (beneath the far left blank square). Then create an arrow shape with the remaining dice panels. You noticed that the dice panels can be rotated, right?

Put the panel with the red dot at the left most square. Put one 3-dot panel at the top square next to it. Rotate the other 3-dot panel 90 degrees and place it beneath the previous square. Lastly, rotate all three six-dot panels and put them on the remaining three squares to form an arrow.

Puzzle w04[edit]

Name: Analog Angles (US) / Analogue Angles (UK)

Description: Three times of day are listed below. Which one, A, B, or C, forms the largest angle between the two hands when displayed on an analog clock?

  • Hint 1: Keep in mind that each time actually forms two angles between the clock hands--one on the inside and one on the outside.

2:20. It forms the largest obtuse angle of the three.

Puzzle w05[edit]

Name: Carbo-Load (US) / Daily Bread (UK)

Description: For a week straight I ate a piece of bread for each meal of the day. I ate four kinds of bread. Mark down when I had each type.
I ate four pieces of this kind in this order: morning, morning, morning, evening.
I ate two pieces of this type.
I ate this kind on four days at the same time each day.
I ate this type 11 different times.
I never ate the same kind of bread at the same time on consecutive days. Tap each square to switch between types of bread.

  • Hint 1: Since I never ate the same type of bread at the same time on consecutive days, you can figure out right away when I ate 11 pieces of bread.

Arrange the bread in a crisscross pattern so that the same type of bread always touch diagonally. Place the on the morning of the 2nd, 4th and 6th days, as well as the night of the 6th day. Place the for every noon that isn't filled with bread. Place the in the two remaining nights.

Puzzle w06[edit]

Name: Underground Escape

Description: Oh, no! You're trapped deep underground! To escape, make your way through the blocks and reach the exit marked by the white arrow at the surface. The orange ball is you. Good luck!

  • Hint 1: This puzzle is difficult, but it can be solved in as few as 10 moves. Find a way to slide the blue piece into the square space on the right. Then slide the yellow piece into the gap that's formed between the blue piece and the ground above it. After that, slide the orange piece over the part of the yellow piece that's sticking out. That should help you escape!

Slide the yellow piece up and left three spaces, then slide the lower green piece left. Slide the blue piece up and right two spaces, then slide the yellow piece right two spaces. Slide the ball up three spaces, then slide the lower green piece right two spaces and down. Slide the ball down and left three spaces, then slide the upper green piece right. Slide the orange block down two spaces and right, then slide the ball to the very top to finish the puzzle.

Puzzle w07[edit]

Name: Packed In

Description: Move the orange ball to the exit square marked by the red arrow at the top. It looks daunting, but it can be done. Give it a try!

  • Hint 1: The blocks are packed in very tightly, but work with the spaces you have and you'll find that you can move them around just fine. Try working the orange ball up through the small spaces on the right side.

Slide the ball right two spaces, then slide the orange block down. Slide the red block down, then slide the purple block left. Slide the grey block up, then slide the orange block right. Slide the red block down, then slide the purple block left. Slide the grey block left, then slide the ball up three spaces and right. Slide the grey block right, then slide the purple block right. Slide the red block up, then slide the orange block left. Slide the grey block down two spaces, then slide the purple block right and down. Slide the left light green block left, then slide the dark green block left and down. Slide the right light green block down and left, then slide the ball to the exit to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle w08[edit]

Name: Ski-Slope Sketch

Description: "I went skiing last weekend and saw such a beauty that I just had to do a sketch," said a man to his friend. "Look! Gorgeous, don't you think?" The friend pointed to the drawing and replied, "Er...that's a rather...large nose. Didn't know that was your type, but...nice drawing, anyway." What is the friend talking about? Circle the spot on the sketch, and tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: If the sketch was colored in, there would be no mistaking the woman. Look for a slightly pudgy guy with a mustache in the sketch, Then look for his nose...

Circle the woman's hair, which can also resemble a plump man's nose.

Puzzle w09[edit]

Name: It Works Both Ways

Description: Here are some tiles featuring numbers that look the same whether viewed right-side up or upside down: 1, 2, and 5. Place the two 1s, the four 2s, and the 5 in the equation so that it's valid right-side up and upside down.

  • Hint 1: The three-digit number is 252. Now all you have to do is figure out the correct calculations.

Your equation should be either 21 x 12 = 252 or 12 x 21 = 252.

Puzzle w10[edit]

Name: Bandage Bonanza (US) / Plaster Party (UK)

Description: A friend of yours just loves adhesive bandages. He LOVES them. Like, he would marry them if he could. He wears them all the time, whether he's injured or not. He says they're the new paisley...seriously. As usual, he's got a bunch stuck all over his face. But today, he's made a puzzle out of them just for you! "Which one did I stick on first?" Touch the correct bandage to mark it with an X, and then tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: The first bandage he stuck on should be underneath all of the others.

The first bandage is the light blue one west of his left eye.

Puzzle w11[edit]

Name: Legs and Livestock

Description: The seller of a large ranch has asked a prospective buyer to also purchase all of the cows and chickens currently living on the land, or the deal is off! "There are 30 animals on my ranch." " many of each are there?" "Well, there are 100 legs. What a bargain, right? Do we have a deal?" All of the animals are health and have all of their legs. How many cows are there?

  • Hint 1: You know there are 100 legs in total, so start from there. Try plugging in different combinations of numbers and see what you end up with. Say there are 15 cows and 15 chicken. That's 15 times four legs for each cow and 15 times two legs for the chickens. That gives you 30 animals and 90 legs. Close, but not quite 100. Now give it a try yourself and see if you can figure out the answer!

There are 20 cows in the ranch.

Puzzle w12[edit]

Name: Clever Calculation

Description: Create a valid equation by placing all five of the red-and-white tiles in the row with the green-and-white tiles.

  • Hint 1: You can rotate the red-and-white tiles! The number one (1) can become a minus sign (-) and the plus sign (+) can be turned into a times sign (x).

Your equation should be 2 x 9 - 6 = 12. You must turn the "+" 45 degrees, flip the six upside-down, and rotate the one 90 degrees to get x, 9 and - respectively.

Puzzle w13[edit]

Name: Souvenir Photo

Description: Here's a photo of four aliens all in a row. Panpolo is farther to the right then Pinpolo. Punpolo is farther to the left than Panpolo. Penpolo is further than the right than Pinpolo. If the second alien to the right of Punpolo is not Penpolo, then who is it?
A: Panpolo
B: Pinpolo

  • Hint 1: Think of the arrangement of the two aliens to the right of Punpolo and make your selection with that in mind. You should get the answer.

A: Panpolo

Puzzle w14[edit]

Name: Carpet Pile (US) / Bottom of the Pile (UK)

Description: Several squares of carpet are stacked atop each other below. The squares are all the same size, and none of them are completely hidden or folded. Which carpet is on the very bottom? Touch the correct carpet, and tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: The carpet in the lower-left corner is clearly the one at the very top. From there, pay close attention to the order. The next one down is the orange one, then the one with the vertical stripes... What's the next one below that?

The bottom carpet is the top-right one.

Puzzle w15[edit]

Name: The Crown Jewels

Description: The king's crown is encrusted with three types of gemstones: diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. The number of diamonds is more than twice the number of emeralds. The number of sapphires is less than half the number of emeralds. What's the fewest possible number of gems encrusting the king's crown?

  • Hint 1: "The number of sapphires is less than half the number of emeralds." So for there to be one sapphire, there must be at least three emeralds.

The minimum amount is 11 gemstones.

Puzzle w16[edit]

Name: Crazy Bird (US) / Gemnestics (UK)

Description: This crazy bird has bought one pebble per day back to its nest for 10 days in a row. It's managed to collect four different colors of pebbles: black, white, red, and blue. There are half as many white pebbles as black ones. And there are half as many black pebbles as red ones. How many of each color pebble are there?

  • Hint 1: The fact that there are 10 pebbles in total doesn't change. You know there's at least one of each color, so there are six pebbles left to figure out. You also know that the quantities of red > black > white pebbles. Line up the facts and think about them carefully and the answer will come.

One white, two blacks, three blues and four reds.

Puzzle w17[edit]

Name: Academic Arithmetic

Description: An exclusive three-year private school has admitted only 100 new students a year since its inception three years ago. Starting at year four, the school plans to admit 10 more new students each year than it did the previous year. In what year of operation will the school's population first exceed 400 students? Also, you can assume that no students will drop out, transfer, or graduate early.

  • Hint 1: When calculating the school's total enrollment, think in three-year chunks. In its fourth year, the school will have an additional 10 students overall than the previous year. The fifth year will have 20 more than that, and the sixth will have another 30. Each year thereafter, the enrollment will grow by 30 students per year.

The eighth year.

Puzzle w18[edit]

Name: Blocked In

Description: Move the big red block at the bottom left to the square marked by the white arrow at the top right. It looks impossible, but it can be done. Give it a shot!

  • Hint 1: If this puzzle seems impossible, don't give up. It can be done. Find a way to shift around the big purple and green blocks to the left. This will open up a surprisingly large amount of space and allow you to solve the puzzle with ease.

Move the dark blue block right and up, then move the orange block up two spaces and left. Move the light blue block up two spaces, then move the yellow block up two spaces. Move the red block up two spaces, then move the big red block right three spaces. Move the green block down two spaces and left, then move the yellow block left and down two spaces. Move the light blue block left and down two spaces, then move the red block up two spaces. Move the orange block down two spaces and right, then move the purple block right two spaces. Move the green block up three spaces, then move the light blue block left two spaces and down two spaces. Move the orange block down and left three spaces, then move the big red block up two spaces. Move the yellow block right two spaces, then move the light blue block right two spaces and up. Move the orange block down two spaces and right two spaces, then move the green block down three spaces. Move the purple block left two spaces and down, then move the red block left two spaces and down two spaces. Move the dark blue block down two spaces and left two spaces, then move the big red block up to the exit to finish the puzzle.

Puzzle w19[edit]

Name: Stained Glass

Description: Below is a half-finished piece of stained-glass art. The inspiration has something to do with one of these things:
A: Fruit
B: A person
C: Bugs
D: Candy
Finish the stained-glass art, and figure out what inspired the artist!

  • Hint 1: The finished piece of stained-glass art will display some letters. Now what do those letters spell...?

B. The inspiration is Layton, whose name is spelled out on the glass.

Puzzle w20[edit]

Name: Gelatinous Dessert (US) / Jelly Mould (UK)

Description: This is a gelatinous-dessert mold. After pouring in the liquid dessert and letting it cool in the refrigerator, you created one of the four shapes, A, B, C, or D. Which one did your dessert mold create?

  • Hint 1: What will the shape of your dessert be after it's removed from the mold? Look at the details of each shape carefully and think about what they will look like when reversed.

Dessert D

Puzzle w21[edit]

Name: Spades and Clubs

Description: A full deck of 52 cards (without any jokers) has been shuffled and divided into three roughly equal piles. The pile on the left has 17 cards, four of which are red. The middle pile has 18 cards, six of which are red. How many of the cards in the pile on the right are black?

  • Hint 1: This puzzle can be solved with simple addition and subtraction skills. Remember, there are an equal number of red and black cards in a full deck.

There is only 1 black card.

Puzzle w22[edit]

Name: Ten Candles (US) / Candles (UK)

Description: There are 10 candles shown below. One person starts lighting the candles four minutes after arriving and lights four candles every four minutes. Another person starts blowing out the candles five minutes after arriving and blows out three candles every five minutes. Assuming the lighter and the blower arrive at the same time and all of the candles are out to begin with, how many candles will be lit after 25 minutes?

  • Hint 1: Can you figure out how many candles will be lit after 20 minutes? At 19 minutes, seven candles will be lit and lighting and blowing out will be happening at the same time. Therefore, eight will be lit.

There will be 7 lit candles.

Puzzle w23[edit]

Name: Books on a Table

Description: Three books are arranged on the table below. A person looking at them from a certain direction made this comment: "This reminds me of Professor Layton!" From which direction was this person looking at the books--A, B, C, or D?

  • Hint 1: There's something about the shape created by the books that looks like Professor Layton from a certain angle. Or something he wears...

Direction D, where the books resemble Professor Layton's hat.

Puzzle w24[edit]

Name: Rearranged Names

Description: Unscramble Professor Layton's and Luke's names by sliding the tiles around below. Line up each tile with the matching letter outside the box directly above or below it. Oh, right--and be sure to leave the space with the red slash through it blank.

  • Hint 1: You can't figure it out no matter how many times you try? This is a tricky one. The puzzle never said that the colors had to match. If you try to match the color of each L to the rest of the tiles in each given name, you'll never solve it.

Move a tile right, then move a tile right. Move a tile down, then move a tile right. Move a tile right, then move a tile right. Move a tile up, then move a tile left. Move a tile left, then move a tile down. Move a tile right, then move a tile up. Move a tile right, then move a tile down. Move a tile left, then move a tile left. Move a tile left, then move a tile left. Move a tile up, then move a tile left. Move a tile down, then move a tile right. Move a tile up, then move a tile right. Move a tile right, then move a tile right. Move a tile down, then move a tile right. Move a tile up, then move a tile left. Move a tile down, then move a tile left. Move a tile up, then move a tile left. Move a tile down, then move a tile left. Move a tile left, then move a tile up to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle w25[edit]

Name: The Messed-Up Map

Description: From each top letter, follow its vertical line down until you reach a horizontal line, follow it across until you reach a vertical line, follow that down until you reach another horizontal line, and so on, until you reach a letter at the bottom. The map is meant to connect each top letter to its matching bottom letter when followed as described above. However, it contains two errors. To make it work, two horizontal lines must be removed. Tap the two lines to mark them with an X.

  • Hint 1: The two horizontal lines between letters B and C are fine as is. That should make things a lot easier.

Remove the lines at the very center of the A and B column as well as the C and D column.

Puzzle w26[edit]

Name: The Top-Hat Society

Description: Four top-hat aficionados founded an exclusive club called the Top-Hat Society. The sign below hangs outside their swanky headquarters. Just this week, a fifth member joined the group. Instead of painting another hat to the sign, they discovered that they can simply alter the existing sign into one that represents all five of their top hats. This can be done by simply cutting the existing sign into three pieces and then reassembling it in a new way. Where should the cuts be made? Draw two straight lines.

  • Hint 1: For the first cut, divide the sign into a top and bottom piece by drawing a line through the middle from left to right. Now think carefully about where to make the second cut.

Make a horizontal cut through the middle of the sign, then make a vertical cut in such a way as to create a 4x3 area rectangle at the top-left of the sign.

Puzzle w27 (US)[edit]

Name: A Trio of Hearts

Description: The ace through 10 of hearts from a deck of playing cards are represented below.. The actual cards, however, look a little different from what's shown here. Which three add up to 12 when you count the hearts displayed on each actual card?

  • Hint 1: Visualize what actual playing cards look like. There are a number of hearts in the middle of each card equal to its value. But that's not all! There is also a heart below the number in each of the two numbered corners on every card. You should be able to figure it out now!

Ace, two and three adds up to twelve, including the hearts below the numbers on the cards.

Puzzle w27 (UK)[edit]

Name: Rendezvous Riddle

Description: You received a note. "After entering the building, I went through the first door on my right and entered a room. From there, I went through the door on my left, straight through a room, across the corridor and into the room opposite. I then went through the door on my right and ended up in the room where I am now." To find the sender by following the directions, which entrance, A to F, should you use to enter the building?

  • Hint 1: Try following the directions from each entrance, one at a time. Every entrance has a door immediately to the right, but you can eliminate all the ones that don't lead into a room with a door on the left. Just keep narrowing the choices down one by one. Be sure to take account which way the different entrances are facing.

Entrance E

Puzzle w28[edit]

Name: Cave Blockade

Description: There was a sudden cave-in during your spelunking adventure, and now you're trapped underground! To escape, make your way through the blocks and reach the exit marked by the red arrow above the surface. The orange ball is you. Good luck!

  • Hint 1: The two square blocks by the exit sure get in the way, don't they? Line those puppies up on the bottom, and you'll be seeing the sun in no time.

Move the green block right two spaces, then move the purple block down. Move the light green block down, then move the dark green block right. Move the orange block down and right, then move the purple block up five spaces. Move the orange block left and up, then move the light green block up. Move the green block left four spaces, then move the yellow block down and right. Move the light green block right and down, then move the grey block left three spaces and down. Move the dark green block down, then move the ball left two spaces, down, left, down, left two spaces and down. Move the orange block down and right, then move the ball up three spaces and right. Move the purple block down four spaces, then move the ball into the exit to finish the puzzle.

Puzzle w29[edit]

Name: Phone Booths (US) / Phone Boxes (UK)

Description: This photo of telephone booths was taken on a street corner in London. The booths are a brilliant shade of red, but in the picture the colors turned out a bit faded. Four booths appear in the photo, but only three are actually working phones. Which telephone booth can't be used?

  • Hint 1: If you look closely, you'll see that one of the booths is actually a reflection of another one.

D, as it is a reflection of C.

Puzzle w30[edit]

Name: Double Vision (US) / Alphabet Geometry (UK)

Description: Two of the five paper letters below have the exact same surface area as each other. This can be confirmed without performing any complicated calculations or using a ruler. All you need is two of each letter to figure it out. This being the case, which two letters have identical surface areas? Check the box to the bottom right of both letters, and then tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: Two of each letter... Think about how you could arrange two of each letter to create a larger shape. Then try and find the two letters whose combine shapes end up looking exactly the same!

C and E.

Puzzle w31[edit]

Name: Massive Gemstones (US) / Gem Weight (UK)

Description: Four types of gemstones are divided into the four boxes below in sets of two. To figure out which is heavier, or , what is the fewest number of times you'll need to use the scales?

  • Hint 1: Compare each box carefully. If you understand what's shared between each box, you'll understand how to weight them the most efficiently. You can place more than one set on either side of the scales at the same time.

1 time

Puzzle w32[edit]

Name: It All Adds Up

Description: Aside from 28 itself, the number 28 is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14. When you add these numbers together, you get 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. Neat, huh! They add up to the original number. Now for the puzzle part: What is the smallest number for which the sum of its divisors (not including the number itself) equals the original number?

  • Hint 1: The answer is a single-digit number.


Puzzle w33[edit]

Name: Black and White Balls

Description: There is a square that's completely filled with black and white balls. As you can see, however, only two corners of the square are visible. The rest of the square is not to scale and all the balls are not shown. The outer edge all the way around is only black balls--36 in total. The rest are white, and there are no empty spaces. So, how many white balls are there? The image below is just for illustrative purposes, so don't rely on it to solve the puzzle.

  • Hint 1: You might think that since there are 36 black balls around the outside edge that each side of the square is made up of 9 black balls. However, this isn't true. The corner balls are each shared by two sides, which means that each side is actually made up of 10 black balls. Apply this information to the diagram, and you'll have the answer in no time.

There are 64 white balls.